Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Where Things Are For Now

It has been a while since I updated.  My liver biopsy showed no autoimmune disease, but Fatty Liver Disease.  The treatment for this is losing weight and exercise, so I am on my way with that.  My surgery scheduled for December 21st has been now postponed because I was taking too much thyroid medicine.  We switched from Tirosint back to Synthroid.  The dosage is off and Dr. C said surgery would be unsafe at the level it was.  He backed me down a bit and I will do blood work once the sun comes up.  I started on the the two week liquid diet prior to surgery and honestly the 4 days I did it, it was not that bad.  It helps that I like my protein powder.  I started stressing how I was going to work the Coumadin/Lovenox shots, getting IVF filter, and then possibly not having the surgery if my thyroid level is still off.  I don't like to mess with my Coumadin unless necessary and the stop/start for the Lovenox with the question of whether the surgery would be on 2 days before was too much for me.  I decided to postpone until the first of the year when my thyroid levels are where they need to be.  Hopefully they are back on track and I can schedule this puppy.  I am ready to go.  It kinda feels like I am walking around in a maze and someone keeps sticking their leg out and tripping me.  In the morning I have an appointment to see about the IVC filter.  I really do not want one of these and my PCP agrees with me.  I want a good explanation of why I need this.  So far I have not gotten one.

Monday, November 5, 2012

I Never Liked Liver

I remember as a child, Mom would occasionally make liver and onions.  I abhorred that stuff,  Total yuck.  My negative issues with liver continue.  Unfortunately it concerns my own liver.  It is uncooperative or maybe   it is not my liver, but my immune system.  My liver enzymes have come back elevated on the pre-op lab work.  Not once, but three times (and now four).  I was referred to a Hepatologist and saw his PA on Friday.  They took 9 more vials of blood and told me that I would possibly need a liver biopsy.  I just got the phone call that two of my tests came back positive for autoimmune and they suspect autoimmune hepatitis.  Oh joy.  What now?  This is a chronic condition that cannot be cured, but usually can be managed with steroids and another drug called Imuran.  My latest blood work showed that the liver enzymes are higher than the last.  I will need a liver biopsy for confirmation and then start on the drugs.  I still feel fine, so I am hoping that this has been caught early and no significant damage to my liver has occurred.  Surgery will likely be pushed back to get this all straightened out.  I am trying real hard not to go and eat the house and will try not to stress too much about this.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Produce Review- Great Value Drink Enhancer (Grape)

I have been reading on the boards about people putting Mio and other flavor enhancers in their water to change it up a bit.  I thought to give it a try.  I found out that Mio was sold at WalMart and headed over there to see what the deal was.  I saw that WalMart made a similar produce so I bought 2 of those and one of the Mio.  Today I tried the WalMart brand in grape.  It was ok.  Not good not bad.  It is basically flavors the water so that is faintly sweet and grape.  There is a bit of sucralose.  I like regular water just fine and I like some flavors of Crystal Light.  This would be something for the middle.  Not plain, not sweet/tangy/sour.  I guess it does what it is supposed to do and if you didn't like the taste of plain water, I might help you drink more.  I like plain water, so I will probably use this up and move on.  The other two flavors have caffeine in them.  No I didn't read the ingredients and since both are labeled as "energy", I guess we know where the energy comes from.   I will give those a try earlier in the day sometime soon.

Judgement- ok for what it is...

P.S.  I was back on track today with my eating :)

Friday, October 19, 2012

An Interesting Day and Welcome to Carb Central

Today was a humdinger as my Dad used to say.  It started off with an EKG at 7:45 and followed with blood work, a bone density scan, chest xray, and a stress test with ultrasound (stress induced by medicine in an IV not on a treadmill).  The medicine they gave in the IV had a side effect of causing a dry mouth.  Boy was that true.  I thought I "deserved" Cane's for all of that testing (I need to work on this line of thinking), so I swung by and got the Box Combo (no cole slaw, extra fries).  A carb dream.  I choked down the toast first as I usually do.  It was hard to swallow because my mouth was so dry.  I had to drink to swallow   Same with the fries that came next.  Did that stop me.  Oh no.  Then one chicken strip.  I had to stop.  It was gagging me not to be able to swallow.  It was weird and sad at the same time.  I was not enjoying it, but I still eat all that I did.  I kept the 3 remaining strips for Cara and was done.  On a positive note I lost a couple more pounds and am at 21 down.

I sent an email to the PA to see if we could schedule my surgery.  She emailed back that my liver enzymes came back very high even compared to previous lab work   Crap.  She had a call in to my PCP (her brother) to see what he thought.  She called me after talking to him and they think it could be viral.  She asked if I had been sick.  No, but Cara and Phillip had colds this week and I did all that I could to dodge that.  She asked me if I had eaten any raw seafood.  Me?  Nope.  Never.  My white blood cell count was slightly elevated too which led them to think it was viral.  She asked if I was nauseous or throwing up.  No.  I feel pretty much as usual.  I have had a headache since the stress test, but not related since  the blood work was prior to the stress test.  They want me to do repeat blood work on Tuesday and have a liver ultrasound to see if that picks up anything.  The blood work will be a hepatitis panel because it breaks down into the different types of enzymes.  Of course, while I was waiting for her to call me, I went online to see what elevated liver enzymes could mean. One possibility...cancer.  That friggin breast cancer had better not be coming back.  So now I am all worked up.  I keep telling myself that there many other causes for elevated levels, but I can't stop worrying about it.  I hate cancer.  It effs you up for live.  It is always there in your mind.  Hopefully the tests on Tuesday will show nothing amiss and the levels returning to normal.  She told me that if I feel bad over the weekend to go to the ER.  Was it really that high?  She said she would send me a copy of the report but I could not find it on My Ochsner.  Crud, but maybe I don't need to see those numbers right now.  For now the surgery is on hold until they can see what is up.

So by dinner time I was able to eat again.  We went to Cracker Barrel, where I do not make any attempt at all to eat mindfully and order the usual.  Country Fried Steak with cream gravy, mashed potatoes with cream gravy, hashbrown casserole, and macaroni and cheese.  Add in 2 biscuits with butter.  I ate 3/4 of it all.  In my head I was saying "stop eating", but the louder voice said "this day was a bitch and go ahead".  This canceled out any weight loss I had seen earlier in the day I know.

Once I get home, the Hershey's Nuggets with Almonds are calling my name.  Those buggers!  I refuse to listen.  They will not stop calling.  I decide to address this by making a Syntrax Chocolate Truffle protein drink with extra chocolate SF flavoring and some PB2 to make it like a Reeses Cup.  Score.  A serving of the nuggets is 4 at 200 calories and the drink was 258.  I still consider it a better choice because could I really have stopped at 4 nuggets?  I never have.  A handfull is a serving to me and a slippery slope cause they will be there tomorrow seeking me out because I opened that door.  Nope not gonna do that.  They are going out with the Halloween candy.  Those and Reeses Cups are my Kryptonite.  The drink filled the chocolate square and Reeses square and gave me 28 grams of protein.  Nuggets 4 grams of protein.  I need to rethink the almond milk because it had way more carbs that I thought. Tomorrow I will get back on that horse and head back toward the right direction.

Carb count for today- 173 g.  Holy Moly.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Product Review- ProtiZyme Protein (Strawberry Creme)

This is yummy.  I put it in about 16 oz. of vanilla almond milk.  Perfect.  No nothing needs to be added to get the full strawberry yumminess.  I have liked the ProtiZyme proteins.  This is a winner too.

Judgement- A

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Product Review- Rosina Italian Style Turkey Meatballs

I loved these.  I had the meatballs with a tiny bit of sauce (what sticks to the meatball) and an ounce of shredded part skim mozzarella.  It was yum and I was satisfied.  These are going into the rotation.  I found these at WalMart.  Winn-Dixie near me doesn't carry it.

Decision- A

Weight Loss- 18 Pounds

I saw Dr. Palo for steroid shots for my knees.  I have not weighed myself on a doctor's scale until today.  I started trying to loose the 17 pounds the dietitian wanted me to lose.  It is almost 5 weeks and I have lost 18 pounds.  I have not stuck to plan for several of those days (Hello birthday), but when I did eat more than the 800 calorie daily allotment I have set (based on what I will be eating post op), I did make the choice not to eat all of my meal and save some for another meal (except birthday cake and I only had 1 piece).  I think that is a victory for me.  Better choices and I am head of schedule for pre-op loss.  I am able to weigh on my home scale now and the scale was off a pound or 2.  I need to find out by how much or is it the difference between barefoot and shoes on.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Product Review- Oikos Greek Yogurt (Plain)

I have been reading on the boards about Greek yogurt having lots of protein and it being a good choice for that reason.  I was not a yogurt lover before and I guess I might still be.  It was so sour.  I tried the trick of adding cocoa powder to it plus some SF flavoring.  That made it tolerable, but I could taste the sour the whole time.  I read that some yogurts taste differently and I will continue to give them a try.  I have not given up yet.  I also bought some SF pudding mixes to add in.  I hear those might help.

Conclusion- C

Product Review- Torani Sugar Free Flavorings (Almond Roca)

I tried this new flavor today when I was trying the Syntrax Vanilla Bean Torte.  After a couple of sips of the protein, I knew I liked it a lot, so adding the flavoring was kicking it up a notch. It was subtle.  I put in 2 cap fulls, but I think I will try more next time.  It is good, but stronger might make it awesome.

Verdict- A

Product Review- Syntrax Protein Sweets (Vanilla Beat Torte)

Yum.  That's it.  I mixed it with water and it was still good.  I ordered that and the Chocolate  Truffle from Amazon as my go to powders.  I do like the Cellucor and may add that into the mix although they are the same flavors.  GNC I can get locally.  I think I can get the Syntrax at Vitamin World if I go to Slidell.  Ordering from Amazon, I amass points on the old VISA to use for later.  Whoop

Grade- A+

Monday, October 15, 2012

Product Review- Unjury Protein (Chicken Soup)

Really disappointed that I didn't like it more.  I have not loved any of the Unjury products.  Many do, but not me.  It started off ok and then as I drank more I didn't really like it.  There are other choices that I do like.

Score- C

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Recipe Review- Low Carb Deep Dish Pan Pizza

I have been researching low carb recipes.  The gurus on the boards say to limit the carbs.  This looks like it could be a good alternative to traditional pizza.  This was so good!  You can taste the chicken but you would not think it to be in the crust.  The crust looks like a regular bread crust.  If you used chicken as a topping you would not know it was in the crust too.  I was short on mozzarella cheese and used about a 1/2 cup less than the recipe called for and I didn't have any to put on the top.  That would have made it even better.  I will be making this again and look forward to finishing it up tomorrow.


Low Carb Deep Dish Pizza

Monday, October 8, 2012

Product Review- Syntrax Matrix (Cookies and Cream)

This was good.  Not really cookie tasting, but it has little bits of cookie (I guess that is what it is) floating in the mix.  I mixed it with 1% milk.  It is more of a vanilla taste.  No chocolate (the cookie is chocolate).  The cookie bits do sink to the bottom, so you need to mix it up before each drink.

Jundgment- A

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Product Review- Syntrax Nectar Protien (Fuzzy Navel)

Yuck.   Didn't like it.  Tasted more grapefruity than orangy.  No.

Decree- F-

Product Review- Torani Raspberry Sugar Free Flavoring

I added this to a packet of vanilla protein.  It was wonderful.  I love the taste.  Just like raspberries!

Ruling- A+

Friday, October 5, 2012

Product Review- Syntrax Nectar Protein (Strawberry Kiwi)

This was a good flavor.  I like this flavor normally, so it was nice to see it in a protein.  I would drink this again.

Opinion- A

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Product Review- EAS Advantage Carb Control (Chocolate Fudge)

Today I ran out to do some errands and because I didn't take my Synthoid until I left, I didn't drink my shake before I left.  One of my stops was to Angie's house.  I mentioned to her that I had not had my protein shake this morning and she gave me one she drinks, EAS Advantage Carb Control chocolate drink.  I have it a go and it was good.  It is comes in a box, so it is a great way to take it on the road with you or to store in your purse for later if needed.  I have not tried any of the ready to drink protein yet.  This was a good first experience.

Judgement- A

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Recipe Review- Mock Garlic Mashed Potatoes

I was so hoping something could come close to my beloved mashed potatoes.  This wasn't it.  It wasn't bad, but not worth the trouble and calories to me.   Phillip liked it and will finish it off tomorrow.  I guess I will just wait until a special occasion and have the real thing.

Mock Garlic Mashed Potatoes

Determination- Meh

Recipe Review- Elina's Southwestern Red Chicken Soup

Elina is an active member of the Obesity Help VSG message boards.  She is always there to add a helpful take on struggles one may have on the journey.  She has posted some recipes to her blog on OH.  The one that gets the most love is her Green Chicken Soup.  I thought I would try a variation, the Southwestern Red Chicken Soup.  I followed the recipe only using Tony Chachere's instead of the cumin and chili powder.  This was excellent!  I blended the soup as the recipe calls.  It is not as appetizing after blending as much as before, but honestly I know I would have eaten around the black beans and tomatoes.  I love this soup.  We will have it again tomorrow night and I have another large container in the freezer, as well as a smaller one for dinner on Friday at Angie's.

Southwestern Red Chicken Soup  The link is for the page the recipe is on now.  If she adds more recipes the page the recipe is on may change.

Decision- A+

Product Review- Torani Sugar Free Flavorings (Caramel and Hazelnut)

I hear tons on the message boards about the Torani and Da Vinci flavorings.  They are used to flavor tons of stuff and people rave about them.  I picked up 4 flavors at WalMart and have given two a try.  Both times was in Isopure Chocolate protein.  The first was caramel.  It was meh.  Just ok.  I don't know if I really like caramel other then when it is in a candy bar.  The hazelnut was much better.  I liked it a lot and it made the Isopure better.  I will enjoy using this flavoring when I want a change from just chocolate.

Score- Caramel  B-
          Hazelnut A

Product Review- Unjury Protein (Unflavored)

The last couple of days I have been finishing up the Isopure I bought.  I tried a couple of Torani flavorings in it and will review those next.  I have been thinking it would be good to also have a unflavored protein to add to things like Crystal Light or soups to up the protein amounts.  I gave my sample of Unjury a try today in my Margarita Crystal Light.  Can I just say YUCK!  That was some nasty.  I don't know if it was the combinations of the two flavors, because I understand there is still a slight taste to the unflavored or what happened.  It is good I have two samples two try so the next time I will try it in something else.  Wow. Still thinking about how nasty that was...

Verdict- Still out.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Recipe Review- Garlic-Lover's Vegetable Stir Fry with Eggplant, Zucchini, and Yellow Squash

I am trying to add more veggies to my diet.  When I get the surgery, I will not be able to live by meat alone, plus it is not healthy.  Tonight I tried one of the recipes that caught my eye.   I like the veggies at Osaka.  I always eat them all.  I was hoping this was similar.  It was good.  It made a huge mess with the popping oil, but I ate all of my veggies.  I will tweak the recipe and play with the amount of oil used.  I didn't like the eggplant as much as the squash and zucchini, but it was ok.  Yea me.

Garlic Lovers Stir Fry with Eggplant, Zucchini, and Yellow Squash

Product Review- ProtiZyme Protein (Vanilla Cake)

This was ok.  Tasted like cake, mostly.  I could drink it again.  Cara wanted to try a little taste.  She gagged and said it hurt her stomach.  Please, drama queen.

Verdict- B

Online Trackers

I have been looking at online trackers and I like the one at My Fitness Pal the best.  It allows me to put in the calorie goal I want and lets that be under 1000 calories.   All of the others make you put in at least 1000.  I don't like the recipe analysis part though. The one I like best for that is at Calorie Count.  You can input the entire recipe and then get the nutritional info for the recipe including info on vitamins etc.  I will probably use a combo of both until I find one that does both.  My Fitness Pal has a nice mobile app that I like and will use.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Appointment for Surgical Clearance Made

I made my appointment with Dr. Plaisance today for my surgical clearance.  I am ready to get this show on the road.

I have done well drinking protein drinks for breakfast and lunch and eating a smaller dinner.  I wish I had a scale that could tell me what I have lost.  Maybe that is a good thing.  If it was not a much as I thought, I might backslide.  Hey, I am human.

Product Review- ProtiZyme Protein (Banana Creme)

Another one of my less favorite flavors is banana.  I don't like real bananas either.  This was not bad, just not my thing.

Score- D

Product Review- Syntrax Nectar (Apple Ecstasy)

This was the first protein flavor I truly hated.  I finished it all, but disliked it the entire time.  I am just not a fan of apple flavored things unless they are real apples.  Yuck!

Decision- F

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Product Review- Syntrax Nectar (Crystal Sky)

Today I tried Crystal Sky flavor of Syntrax.  It was ok, but I could not place the flavor.  It was sweet and vanilla like, but that is all I could get out of it.  Oh, and blue.  Mixed with water it mixed well.

Verdict: B

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Product Review- Unjury Protein (Strawberry Sorbet)

I tried my first Unjury product today.  It was ok.  I liked the strawberry taste but the powder did not dissolve completely.  I drank a couple of small chunks and there were some stuck to the sizes of the shaker cup at the end.  Not good.

Decision- B-

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Product Review- Syntrax Nectar (Twisted Cherry)

Not my favorite flavor.  It reminds me of cough medicine.  Cherry is not my favorite flavor anyway.  I much prefer grape or strawberry.  It mixed well.

Verdict: :B-

Monday, September 24, 2012

Product Review- Syntrax Nectar (Caribbean Cooler)

For lunch I tried the Caribbean Cooler flavor.  It tasted a lot like coconut.  It was good.  It mixed well and didn't have an after taste.

Score: B

Product Review- Syntrax Nectar Sweets (Chocolate Truffle)

Chocolate Truffle is in a tie with my favorite favorite date.  It is on par with the Cellucor.  I mixed it with water as I have the other powders.  It mixed well and tasted like I expected.  Yummo for a protein drink.

Verdict: A

ETA:  I am amused by the serving size 1/4 scoop.  Really?

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Recipes from the forums

I love these meatballs and I used to eat them on a sub roll as a dinner but of course, the days of the giant sub roll are gone but I can still eat the chicken parmesan meatballs! Hope you guys try them and like them too. The good part about this recipe is that if you have a family, they can eat them in a sub roll, with mozzarella on top (I like to melt the cheese under the broiler and make the rolls cripsy) and have a good dinner while you get to eat the chicken meatballs along with your friends, family, spouse, parents, whomever. We post-op patients just have to not eat the sub roll.

1 pound of ground chicken meat
1/2 cup of shredded parmesan cheese
1/2 cup Italian bread crumbs
1 tsp of red pepper flakes
olive oil
shredded mozzarella cheese
jar of spaghetti sauce

Mix the ground chicken, shredded parmesan cheese, Italian bread crumbs, pepper flakes and about 2 Tbsps of olive oil (the olive oil helps the meatballs brown in the oven). Mix all of the ingredients together in a bowl. Roll the meat into about 2 inch round meatballs and place evenly in a baking pan. You will get 9-12 meatballs from this recipe. Make sure the baking pan has a lip around it or an edge so that when baking the oil/some fat does not drip off the edge of the pan. Bake at 350 degrees for about 35 minutes and until the meatballs get a nice, golden brown crust.

When the meatballs are finished cooking, cover with warm spaghetti sauce and add mozzarella cheese on top. I like to place them in the microwave to get the mozzarella cheese extra melted and gooey.These are delicious and make me feel human and you can always freeze any extras. If your friends or family are eating these on a sub roll, place the meatballs in the roll, add lots of sauce and sprinkle mozzarella liberally on top. Place the filled subs under the broiler for a minute or 2 to melt the cheese and make the sub rolls cripsy.
Low-Fat Cheeseburger Pie
1lb extra lean ground turkey
1 cup Nonfat Cottage Cheese
1 Egg
1/2 Cup Chopped Onion
1 Clove Garlic (chopped)
3/4 Cup Kraft 2% Shredded Cheddar Cheese
2 Tbsp Worcestershire Sauce
1/4 cup water
3/4 cup of Heart Smart Bisquick (mix only)
4 Slices of Tomato


Preheat oven to 350
Brown Turkey Onion & Garlic in a pan
While turkey is browning mix Bisquick and water to form a dough. (add water gradually as needed for dough)Roll dough flat enough to cover a pie pan with rolling pin. (may have extra dough).
Place dough in pie pan
Mix Worcestershire Sauce in with turkey mixture
In a separate bowl, mix cottage cheese with egg
Pour turkey mixture into pie pan
Pour Cottage Cheese mixture over turkey 
Top with Shredded Cheddar Cheese 
Then place Tomato Slices on top and bake at 350 for 30-40 minutes.

Number of Servings: 8

Nutritional Info
Servings Per Recipe: 8
Amount Per Serving
Calories: 163.5
Total Fat: 4.5 g
Cholesterol: 57.9 mg
Sodium: 292.1 mg
Total Carbs: 10.2 g
Dietary Fiber: 0.3 g
Protein: 20.6 g
General Tso Chicken (WLS version)
# 2 lbs boneless chicken breasts, cut into bite-size pieces
# 1  tablespoon olive oil (or spam for the skillet)
# 1 garlic clove, crushed
# 1/4 teaspoon ginger
# 3/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper/ chilli flakes
# 1/4 cup apple juice substitute
# 1/3 cup  sugar substitute
# 2 tablespoons ketchup
# 1 tablespoon lime/lemon juice
# 1/2 cup water
# 1/3 cup soy sauce (buy the lowest sodium and sugar version u can find)
- 1 medium onion (i used red)
- 2 spoons of sesame seeds or flax seeds for extra protein and texture

1st. on high heat start a skillet 1 tbs of olive oil until its very hot
2nd. add chicken, stir  (dont have to cook all the way here) & turn heat down when chicken looks brown (or remove if your not adding onions and seeds)
3nd. turn heat down add onions and the optional seeds until onions start to brown

on a separate pot -
4. mix all remaining ingredients, stir well (taste for salt preference, add some if u feel you need it but the soy sauce its usually enough)
5. add chicken and onion mixture into the pot

6. make sure the chicken is covered and let it boil on low heat for over half an hour until its thicken (i let it boil an hour on low heat because my husband came home late from work and it was very thick and super yummy!)
7. Serve over  riced cauliflower
This came about because DH hates white meat chicken and I wanted to use the tenderloins I'd taken out 

Chicken Cordon Bleu Casserole
1 lb Chicken Tenderloins
1/2 lb Boneless Cooked Ham
1/2 lb Swiss Cheese
1/2 cup Half-n-half
1 tsp garlic powder* (optional)
2 oz Philadelphia Cream Cheese
1 Egg
1 ea salt and pepper 

Dice chicken, ham and cheese and toss together in an oven safe 9" square casserole. (next time I will salt and pepper the chicken as well as the sauce mixture).
Beat the egg and blend well into the half and half with the garlic powder, salt and pepper.
Microwave cream cheese until melted then stir into the half and half and egg mixture.
Pour over the chicken, ham and cheese, stir to coat then pat down evenly.
Bake at 350 for approx 40 minutes until the chicken has cooked through and the sauce has thickened.
Let sit for 10 minutes before serving.
*The egg is just to help thicken the sauce, you can leave it out, the sauce should thicken enough without it. Since I used it, I'm including it.

For 1/4 of the dish: 497 cals; 32g fat; 2.3g carbs; 52g protein
For 1/6 of the dish: 331cals; 21.25g fat; 1.53g carbs; 34.73g protein

For 5 STRICT DAYS I will eat only...

Proteins: Seafoods, Poultry and eggs, Dairies, nuts/seeds including Peanut Butter.

Veggies: Green only.

Fruits: None.

Breads/Cereals/Other Carbs: None.

Fluids: One gallon of water (128 oz.)
Protein drinks (RTD or Powder).

Avoid: Sugar and Sodium

Once the 5 days are over, I am pretty much over the Sugar Carb Demon.  Don't get me wrong, I don't hate carbs!  I do need them to live a healthy life and since I workout a lot it is important I have them.  However, I need GOOD carbs.  Whole grains, fruits, veggies... But I don't need processed sugars.  White carbs, in cereals, breads, rice... etc.

Lots will do the 5 day pouch test.  http://www.5daypouchtest.com/  Great!  To each their own.  I personally do not do this.  My first reason is because I don't have a pouch.  I have a sleeve.  The second reason is because for me, this has proven nothing but torture for me.  I don't feel like I should have to do that.  My personal program works just as good without that side effect.  The only reasons I've ever done liquids only is simply from being threatened with my life (post op) or if I'm just feeling sick and to let my Sleevie rest.  That's it.
Slow-Cooked Coconut Ginger Pork
Using a slow cooker is one of the easiest ways to get a hearty, healthy meal on the table with very little effort. If it’s a hot summer day and you want to cook a big meal without turning on the oven, a slow cooker is the answer. If the weather is frigid and you’re craving comfort food, pull out the slow cooker. If you’re busy as all get-out and cooking is the last thing you want to do, the solution is – you guessed it – a slow cooker.

Slow-Cooked Coconut Ginger Pork is a recipe that both slow cooker aficionados and newbies will love. A large cut of pork is slow cooked until tender and infused with the spicy, aromatic flavor of ginger, garlic and coconut milk. Salty, savory pork fat drips off the roast as it cooks, swirling with the ginger-scented coconut milk to create an incredibly flavorful broth. When coconut milk cooks for hours it loses its milky quality and looks more like coconut oil. Still, it adds a creamy richness to the broth and seeps into the meat, giving it a slightly sweet flavor.

Unless you’re feeding a large group, meals from a slow cooker typically provide leftovers for days. On the first night, serve the succulent pork and rich broth in bowls filled with raw shredded cabbage or steamed cauliflower rice. The next day, shred the meat over a salad. After that, add the meat to a stir-fry or omelet or eat it cold straight out of the refrigerator. Anyway you serve it, you’re going to love it.

Servings: 6-8


3 to 4 pound boneless pork butt/shoulder roast
1 teaspoon ground coriander
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon black pepper
2-inch piece of ginger, peeled and thinly sliced
4 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
1 onion, peeled and cut into 8 chunks
1/2 can of coconut milk
Lime wedges for garnish

Mix together the coriander, cumin, salt and pepper. Use your fingers to rub the seasonings all over the roast.
Place the meat in a slow cooker and surround with onions, garlic, ginger and the half can of coconut milk.  The roast will give off moisture and fat while cooking, doubling or tripling the amount of broth by the time the roast is ready.  Cover the slow cooker and cook on high for 5 to 6 hours or on low for 8 to 10 hours. Although both cooking temperatures give delicious results, meat cooked on low will be the most tender.
Tender Lemon-Parsley Brisket
There’s no shortage of braised brisket recipes out there, each claiming to be the tastiest way to coax a tough piece of meat into a tender, melt-in-your-mouth meal. Most of these recipes are very good, but they also tend to be very similar. The meat cooks in some blend of wine/tomatoes/broth (and often, a sweet sauce of some sort from a jar) and then emerges hours later smothered in a thick, rich coating.

This recipe for Lemon-Parsley Brisket gives brisket a makeover, changing the flavor entirely. Lemon is so often used with fish and poultry that it might seem like an odd choice for a big chunk of red meat. It turns out to be the perfect accent though, adding a light, zesty flavor to every bite. Combine the lemon – both its juice and zest – with a generous amount of garlic and loads of fresh, bright green parsley and you’ll experience brisket in an entirely new way. Sure, it’s still a hearty roast with layers of crispy, fatty, tender meat, but the overall flavor is light and fresh.

During the long cooking time, leeks literally melt into a silky sauce spiked with lemon juice and thickened by fat dripping off the roast. When you serve the brisket, spoon this sauce over slices of the tender meat. Garnish liberally with parsley and keep an extra lemon nearby. Chances are you’ll find yourself wanting to grate even more lemon zest on top.

Servings: 8-10


1 4-5 pound brisket
4 to 6 garlic cloves
2 teaspoons kosher salt
1 teaspoon black pepper
2 teaspoons lemon zest
1/4 cup olive oil
Juice from three lemons
2 to 3 cups of water
4 to 6 leeks, dark green top removed, light green and white part cut in half, then sliced thinly
1/4 cup finely chopped parsley

Finely chop garlic cloves on a cutting board and sprinkle 1 teaspoon of the salt on top. Using the flat side of a large knife, mash and grind the cloves until they turn into a paste (the salt creates friction that helps a paste form). Mix the garlic paste in a bowl with the remaining salt, pepper and lemon zest.  Vigorously rub half of this mixture all over the brisket.

Preheat oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit.

In a large ovenproof cast-iron pot or other heavy pot with a lid, heat olive oil. Sear brisket on each side until nicely browned, but not so long that the garlic begins to burn. Remove the meat.  Add lemon juice and water to the pot and bring to a boil. Use a spoon to loosen the bits of meat and garlic stuck to the bottom.  Spread the remaining garlic paste evenly on top of the meat and place the brisket back in the pot. The liquid should cover the meat halfway, if it doesn’t, add a little more water.  Add the leeks to the liquid around the meat. Cover the pot tightly (if you don’t have a lid, use foil) and cook for 2 to 3 hours in the oven, or until the meat is very tender.  Remove the lid, sprinkle parsley all over, and cook for 15 more minutes without the lid.

The brisket can be eaten immediately but is also fantastic the next day. Make sure to slice the roast against the grain. When served, top with the sauce around the meat, more fresh parsley, lemon zest and sea salt to taste.
Ultra Oatmeal: (mix ingredients after cooking) 
(Lean Mass Gain Fat Burning and Off Season) 
 1 serving cooked plain oatmeal (1/2 cup precooked)
 1 to 11/2 scoops vanilla protein powder
Power Fudge: Vanilla or Chocolate 
(Lean Mass Gain Fat Burning) 
 1 scoop chocolate or vanilla protein powder
 3 to 4 tablespoons heavy whipping cream 
 *mix together in a bowl until ingredients reach consistency of cake icing. May be refrigerated or frozen. 
Peanut Butter Muscle Balls: 
(Lean Mass Gain Off Season) 
 Follow directions for power fudge. Form peanut butter into small balls slightly larger than a marble. Coat with Power Fudge by rolling together to create a chocolate covered peanut butter ball. Refrigerate for 2 hours. May be frozen to speed up process. 
Protein & Oatmeal Pancakes 
 1/3 cup oatmeal
 2 or 3 egg whites scrambled (or 1/2 cupe eggbeaters)
 1 scoop vanilla protein
 1/2 tsp baking soda
 dash of pumpkin pie spice
 1/8 tsp sweet-n-low brown 
Mix all ingredients in a small bowl and allow mixture to thicken for 2 to 3 minutes. Pour onto preheated frying pan or griddle. Cook over medium heat until golden brown, about 2 minutes per side. Gamish with fresh strawberries or sugar free syrup. Makes 1 serving. 
Variation- Add 1/2 pack sugar free apple cider mix. Lots of flavor and only 8 more calories. 
Peanut Butter Balls 
 1/2 cup all natural creamy peanut butter
 1/4 cup honey
 1 1/2 scoop vanilla protein
Mix all ingredients in a small bowl. Roll by hand into 1" balls and chill until firm (about an hour). They make great high protein snacks and are an excellent source of healthy fats. Makes 4 servings. 
Protein Pudding Shots 
 Try mixing your scoop of protein with 2 tbs fat free, sugar free pudding mix and 1 oz ice water. Allow mixture to thicken and eat it with a spoon. Adds 50 calories and 6 grams of carbohydrates. 
Protein Balls Recipe 
The pb and oatmeal balls are VERY easy. (Great Recipe *****)
1 cup Peanut Butter (I use no-sugar-added Peter Pan)
1 cup rolled oatmeal -- not the instant stuff
1 cup protein powder (I use Matrix Chocolate, but you can use other flavors)
5 packets Splenda
Warm the peanut butter in microwave about 30-40 seconds -- it melts it and makes mixing in the other ingredients much easier. Add the oatmeal, protein powder, and Splenda and mix well. (If needed, you can add a little bit of water to make it easier to mix) Roll into walnut sized balls, refrigerate. Store in fridge in zip-lock baggies. This recipe makes 20-24 balls.

Product review- Synrax Nectar (Pink Grapefruit)

I received my shipment of samples from Syntrax yesterday.  I was eager to try one since they get a lot of talk on the forums.  I reached in the bag and pulled out Pink Grapefruit.  Not my favorite flavor, but I gave it a go.  Not bad.  Still not my favorite flavor, but it did have a distinct flavor of grapefruit.  It mixed well and was a trifle foamy.  That got better once I let it sit a bit.  I am looking forward to trying the other flavors of the Nectar line.

Vertict:: A

Full Liquids Food Ideas from forums

Full Liquids

Campbell's Cream of Mushroom with Roasted Garlic
Slim Fast Low Carb Shakes
protein drink
Skim milk, soymilk, other low fat milks
Low fat cream soups – can add 1 scoop protein powder (no potato, or corn soup)
Fat free (artificially sweetened “lite”) yogurt such as Carb Freedom or Dannon’s Light n Fit
Low fat cottage cheese
Unjury unflavored whey - it can be put in clear liquids and does not have taste.
I just made cream of chicken soup, Campbell's healthy request.
Empty 1 can into saucepan, add 1 scoop of Unjury chicken broth protein powder & 1 can of cold water.
Mix thoroughly and keep stirring until it comes to a boil.
Remove immediately from heat, serve and eat. Yummy!
Tip: if you add the protein and mix it with cold water and then heat while continuously stirring, it does not clump. If you add the powder to hot, it will clump!
Premier protein shakes everyday for breakfast here. Good flavor and decent price at Costco. Syntrax has great flavored shakes too. Love the Roadside Lemonade.
I've been drinking the Isopure Zero Carb Protein drinks as they have 40 grams of protein and they also satisfy the water intake needed as well. (I'm sure the fluorescent colouring is not the healthiest but i'll worry about that another time!).

OH! Sugar free Fudgecicles and Sugarfree Tropical popcicles ROCK!
I drink chocolate Whey protein shakes with a small scoop of peanut butter and blended with some ice and they are delicious! Also, if you go to the Doctors Best Weight Loss website you can get protein soups that have 12 grams of protein in them - and they are yummy  I drink the Cream of Chicken and Chicken Noodle soup mixes and they are great and keep me full for quite a while. They come in packets and you mix them with 8 oz hot water and blend until mixed. I also love their Protein Hot Chocolate - it's delicious!!! It fixes my sweet tooth and is perfect for a cold evening (especially Montana winters! lol). So those are a few of the things I use that keep me full and satisfied

LIQUID OPTION: TACO SOUP - my new favorite!
I was so tired of having broth - my daughters were eating tacos - Mexican - love, love, love!!

Liquid Taco Soup 5 minutes on the stove
1 can broth
1 can tomato sauce
taco seasoning to taste

Sitting with a mug of taco soup, I'm feeling happy!!! I can sip on this all night! Warm and spicy, I'm going to sip on this all night! Give it a try.

I used: Swansons 100% Chicken broth = 15cal, 2gr protein per cup
S & W tomato sauce = 80 cal, no real protein per cup so that's 48 cal in a cup
Recently i have been making fake ice cream for my family and they want it more than regular ice cream so i figured i could share it cause its so good it feels like you are cheating.

I make it in the magic bullet so adjust for the size food processor you have/ also this makes like 12 oz .

2 bananas
8 frozen strawberries
3 tbsp vanilla (fat free blah blah blah) yogurt ( or what ever flavor you want that your allowed to have  )
2/3 cup vanilla whey protein powder

mix it all in the food processor and freeze. i like to freeze it in ice trays so i can pop out one or two at a time and thats all i need. I am trying to find creative 
ways to work in the protein so this is the result lol
Just cooked up some lean ground beef in beef broth yesterday and added about 1/4 cup of powdered skim milk, garlic and onion powder, salt n pepper and proceeded to blend the crap out of it If you use your imagination, it tastes a little like beef stroganoff  but lots of good ol' protein!
I really like the Nectar line of products, especially Caribbean Cooler, Fuzzy Navel, and Twisted Cherry. I also like Gold Standard chocolate.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Product Review- ProtiZyme (Chocolate Cake)

I stayed up all night thinking about those 3 chicken strips I saved for dinner tonight.  Isn't that pathetic?  It wasn't until 7 am that I was able to got over them.  Breakfast today brought a new brand of protein, ProtiZyme (Chocolate Cake flavor).  I mixed it with 8oz. of water and shook it up.  The powder mixed well.  It tasted chocolately, but a little chalky.  I ordered a sample pack of flavors from My Bariatric Pantry.  It is listed as being gluten free and lactose free.  It has a long list of ingredients unlike the About Time products.

Rating: B

Product Review- About Time Protein (Strawberry)

I completely forgot to review this yesterday.  I think this flavor was my favorite.  It still has a mild flavor, but I guess I was more ok with that.  I did think though that if my tastes change like I have read some do, this might be a good option if things taste too sweet.  For now, I would like a stronger flavor.

Rating: C+

I Am Proud Of Myself

I am proud of myself these past couple of days.  I have been following my plan of having protein drinks for breakfast and lunch and eating dinner only.  The dietitian said to try to loose 17 pounds before my surgery.  I am trying this eating plan now as a way to (1) try the proteins to weed out ones I would not buy; (2) get used to cutting down on my food intake and get used to drinking meals prior to the 2 week liquid diet before surgery; and (3) a way to start loosing weight.  For 4 days I have been successful.  Only 4 days you say?  Hey that is better than no days and I did have to tell myself no several times.  That is what I am proud of.  I kept the end prize in sight and ignored the immediate treat.  I could have stopped at Krispy Kreme on the way home from the psychologist.  I could have stopped at Sonic on the way home from the grocery store, but I did not.  I read a post on the blog 300 Pounds Down and she talked about how you pre-decide your choices.  I woke up each morning and did just that.  Yea for me.  I would love to know if I lost anything this week.  Unfortunately, our scale does not go up that high.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Produce Review- About Time Protein (Birthday Cake flavor)

Ok, I see a pattern here.  The birthday cake flavor is there, but just barely.  The powder mixes very well and has no after taste.  I just wish for my cakiness.  I do like that there are not a ton of additives in these proteins.

I give it a C.

Product Review- About Time (Chocolate Peanut Butter)

This morning I decided to try one of the new protein samples that came in yesterday.  I was in the mood for chocolate and peanut butter, so About Time Chocolate Peanut Butter was up at bat.  I mixed it with water and shook it up good.  It dissolved pretty well.  The taste was disappointing.  Not enough chocolate or peanut butter.  Just a faint bit of both.  If you didn't know you were supposed to be tasting them, you might be struggling a bit to define the taste.  It would be find if you doctored it up with some sugar free flavorings, but why should you do that except to change/or add to the taste not boost what it already is supposed to be.
I would put it at a C.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Psyc Evaluation

On Monday, I went to Big Ochsner for the first of two visits for the pysc eval.  The first part is answering about 500 true or false questions.  Some of the questions were silly like "I think someone is trying to poison me." and others were hard like "I am/was closer to my mother than my father."  Some had absolutes like always and never.  Those are easy to me to answer.  It took about an hour and a half to complete this part of the eval.  This morning, I went back and met with the psychologist to go over the results and for her to talk to me and get a feel on how I might do with the surgery.  She told me that I seemed to be normal according to the results of my test.  Nothing stood out as concerning, like I don't seem to have an addiction to food that could be transferred to something else once I have the surgery.  The psychologist was very nice and I ended up telling her about Ravelry (we talked a little about my knitting and she crochets).  I cannot help to tell people about Ravelry.  Our talk lasted about 45 minutes and I was on my way back across the lake.

I was proud of myself in that I planned and took my protein shake with me in the car.  The more I drink the Isopure Chocolate, the less I really like it.  I hate that I cannot easily close the bag.  Buying it in the canister would fix that if I were to buy it again.  It does not blend as well as the Cellucor.  It was lumpy ad at the bottom was a huge clump that should have broken up as much as I stirred it with the spoon.  I don't want to fire up the blender every time I make a protein drink.  When I go home, one of packages of samples had come it and it was the one with the shaker bottle.  I tried the protein again with the shaker bottle and it was a lot better, but I could still see some clumps on the side.  I ended up getting another package of samples, so I will give those a try in the coming days and see how they go.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Product Review- Cellucor Super Sport Isolated Whey Protein

I was given to samples of this protein when I went to GNC to see what they carried.  When I decided to try the Isopure, the sales guy went in the back and brought me a sample of the Chocolate and the Vanilla Creme.  Both are a half serving, so I tried them both back to back.  I started off with the Chocolate.  I decided to mix them with water.  The chocolate was very good.  A bit sweet, but good nonetheless.  It did lump a little.  When I get my shaker bottle in, that may help a lot.  I didn't want to use the blender since I think it added a ton of air and I was not making it shake like and adding the ice to blend.  I next tried the Vanilla Creme.  I was lazy and didn't rinse out the glass so there was some residual chocolate in the bottom.  This was good as well.  I would buy either again.  I can see the Vanilla Creme being a good base for adding sugar free pudding to as well as sugar free flavorings.  I give both an A with a slight nudge to the Chocolate since I am a chocolate girl. 

Monday, September 17, 2012

Order placed - Unjury sample pack

Since I plan to start my journey now by drinking protein drinks for breakfast and dinner, I want to try some of the proteins out there.  I have ordered a couple samples packs.  One from About Time and one from Syntrax.  I just ordered one from Unjury and another one from My Bariatric Pantry containing a ProtiZyme Sample Pack.  If I don't write this stuff down I will forget and maybe order a sample pack twice.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Pre-Surgery Info

From the boards-

Talk to your surgeon ask how s/he checks for the presence of a leak. Ask how s/he reinforces the staple line to safeguard from leaks.

Info on leaks and strictures

Full Liquids

Ideas from the boards-

I can only tolerate about 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese at a time. I did switch from fat-free to low-fat, as the low-fat had more protein (only 1 gram but I’ll take all the protein that I can get!) I have discussed this with my program’s nutritionist and she suggested that I could try a few more things:

1 cup of skim milk with 1/3 cup of Carnation Instant Dry Milk. There is over 16 grams of protein in one cup. Now, I couldn’t possibly drink 1 cup, but I do subsitute a 1/4 cup of this for my liquids throughout the day

1 cup of skim milk with Carnation (sugar-free) Instant Breakfast. This has over 12 grams of protein.

I have also tried “Naked” Protein Juice Smoothie (no sugar added) that I found at Whole Foods. It has 16 grams of protein in 1 cup. As it it is thick and filling too, I spread this out too.

Soft Foods

From the boards-


1 1/2 cups unsweetened almond milk or skimmed milk Add 1/4 cup dried skimmed milk if needed
2/3 cup shredded coconut or ground almonds
1 cup granular Splenda
5 large eggs
1 tsp almond extract
1 tsp vanilla extract
Grate some nutmeg on top, or add a little mixed spice to the mixture

Pre heat oven to 400
Mix ingredients
Pour egg mixture into glass oven dish
Place in oven on top rack
Bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes
Turn oven down to 350
Bake an additional 30-40 minutes until knife inserted comes out clean

Shake Recipes

From the boards-

My FAVORITE morning shake:
1/2 banana (50 cal, no protein)
1 cup almond milk (30 cal, 1 protein)
1/4 tsp dark cocoa (expensive, but worth the splurge!! 10 cal)
1 scoop Nectar Truffle protein (100 cal, 23 protein)
1 tsp flaxseed (10 cal, no protein)
1 tsp PB2 (Dehydrated Peanut Butter, 8 cal, 1 protein)
1 cup ice
Blend it on high

Chocolate Banana Crunch
Mix 1 serving of chocolate whey/soya protein powder according to directions. Add 1 banana and 3 ice cubes. Blend at high speed for 45 seconds. Add 4 low-fat chocolate wafers blend at low speed for 10 seconds and serve.
Strawberry cheesecake
Mix 1 vanilla whey/soya protein powder according to directions. Add 3 tablespoons of Jell-O's no-bake reduced fat cheesecake mix, 3 low fat vanilla wafers and 4 frozen strawberries. Blend on high for 45 seconds and serve.
Double Deluxe Chocolate Fudge
Mix 1 serving of chocolate whey/soya protein powder according to directions. Add 1 packet of Swiss Miss fat-free hot cocoa mix and 3 icecubes. Blend for 45 seconds and serve.
Breakfast boost
Blend 8 oz of orange juice with half a cup of non-fat yogurt, half a banana and 1 serving of whey/soya protein, 1 tablespoon full of flax seed oil, 4 frozen peach slices and 3 icecubes. Blend on high speed for 45 seconds and serve.
My fail safe was the 17.00 whey protein from Walmart with 1 cup strawberries-55 cal, 1/2 cup sf apple juice-50 cal, 1 scoop protein-110 cal, and occasionally a 50 cal yogurt. 265 calories, blend with ice and freeze the other half. spaced then 2 hours apart and was very full for 4-5 hours and got over 1/3 of my daily protein, 26 g in whey and 8 g in yogurt.
I love my protein shakes now!! I have devised alot of my own recipes and I LOVE THEM! Here is one  

1 scoop of Vanilla Whey Protein
1/2 cup Vanilla Chai CarbMaster Yogurt (3 grams of sugar WOO HOO )
1/4 of a banana
2 small frozen chunks of Mango 
2 small frozen chunks of Peaches 
2 ice cubes 

New shake recipe! I love this, just tried it yesterday and had it again for breakfast today ;-)

4 ounces skim milk (or soy, almond, whatever)
1/2 scoop chocolate protein powder (I use soy)
1/4 cup crushed pineapple
1/4 of a banana


148 calories
17g protein
Mix about cubes ice, 1/2 c mixed berry juice like ocean spray, 1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder, and 1/4 to 1/2 c fruit flavored greek yogurt. place in blender or magic bullet and let her fly. You will not be disappointed!
Yesterday I mixed a vanilla protein shake with a carton of Dannon Light & Fit toasted coconut vanilla yogurt. OMG......tasted like a pina colada!!! Very good!
My latest "creation" as I'm on the stage 2 recipes myself (almost on to mushies so i've been letting things be a little thicker). 

1 cup almond milk (no sugar) - you could use skim milk, this is just my preference
2 cups low fat cottage cheese
2 tbsp sugar free torani vanilla syrup
1 tsp almond flavoring
1 sm box sugar free pudding (I used cheesecake flavor)

Blend the almond milk and cottage cheese in a blender until completely smooth.  Add in flavorings.  Pour into a bowl and mix in the pudding mix.  Chill in the fridge.  If it's not thin enough for you, add in some more milk
Bridget's Ode to Joyous Almond Shake

Fit Frappe mocha (8 oz. serving)
1 pump (1 tbsp) sugar-free coconut syrup
1/2 pump (1/2 tbsp) sugar-free almond syrup (or sub 2 drips of extract)
8oz milk of your choice (coconut or almond are nice)


Blend with your method of choice (I use the Super Chill Method). If you are adventurous (and have time) sprinkle with some fresh toasted almonds or unsweetened coconut...or sugar-free whippage (whipped cream).
Alyson's Orange Creamsicle Shake

1 serving Fit Frappe Vanilla (8 oz. serving)
8 oz. preferred liquid (milk, water, etc.)
1/2 sugar-free orange drink stick

Directions: Combine in the blender for a tasty treat!
Dana's "Big Train Vanilla Latteccino Chai"

1 heaping tbsp. Big Train Spiced Chai
1 serving (8 oz. size) Vanilla Latte Fit Frappe
3 oz. unsweetened vanilla almond milk
2 packets Truvia
7-8 ice cubes

To prepare, Dana recommends BF’s very own “Super Chill Method for making a Protein Frosty” but here’s Dana's recap:

Turn on the blender and whiz it up, and trickle another 2-3 ounces of unsweetened vanilla almond milk into the blender (either through the top if it's safe to do so, or by stopping the blender and adding it. 

After 6-8 seconds of whizzing around, stop the blender and shake the container as needed to keep it whizzing around. Once all the big pieces of ice have been whizzed into your drink, you're ready to conquer your Big Train “Latteccino Chai.” It's so thick and rich that you HAVE to drink it slowly - or risk getting a brain freeze!!”
This is a wonderfully decadent way to get in your protein! Spicy, creamy and icy-thick.�milkshakes never had it so good!
1/4 cup pumpkin puree
1 cup skim milk or soymilk
1 scoop vanilla protein powder (such as Matrix Simply Vanilla)
1/2 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice (or 1/4 t. cinnamon, 1/8 t. cloves, 1/8 t. ginger)
2 tablespoons Splenda Granular
1/4 cup Cool Whip or NSA Vanilla yogurt
1 cup ice cubes
Place pumpkin, milk, protein powder, spices, Splenda, cool whip or yogurt, and ice cubes in blender container; process until slushy. Makes one meal replacement serving.
Per Serving: 230 Cal; 28 g Protein; 5 g Tot Fat; 13 g Carb; 1 g Fiber; 2 g Sugar; 115 mg Sodium

1 scoop Matrix Simply Vanilla protein powder
1 cup skim milk
A one inch chunk of banana
1/8 teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
Place all ingredients in blender and process until smooth.
Banana/Peanut Butter Shake (12 grams protein) 
8 ounces fat-free milk 
1 tablespoon creamy peanut butter 
1/4 - 1/2 banana 
Blend until smooth in blender.
Orange Dreamsicle (28 grams protein) 
1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder (20 grams protein) 
1 scoop (individual serving) sugar-free Sunrise Orange Crystal Lightâ powder 
8 ounces skim milk 
Alternatives: substitute 4 ounces orange juice for 4 ounces milk; substitute 4 ounces yogurt for 4 ounces milk; add 1/2 tsp. orange zest to shake.
Sunrise Smoothy
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
1 cup orange juice (or orange tang)
1 banana (peeled)
1 carton Low Carb Vanilla Yogurt 
1 tablespoon Splenda
4-5 frozen strawberries
Mix in blender until smooth
Cherry Vanilla
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
4-5 maraschino cherries
2 scoops low carb vanilla ice cream
1 cup cherry sugar free kool-aid
Mix in blender until smooth
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
1 cup Crystal Lite peach tea
4-6 frozen peach slices
4 ice cubes
Mix in blender until smooth
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
1 cup sugar free lemonade kool-aid
4-5 frozen strawberries
4-5 ice cubes
Mix in blender until smooth
Cherry Vanilla Coke Float
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
2 scoops low carb SF ice cream
1 cup diet coke
4-5 cherries 
Mix in blender until smooth
Apple Pie Frosty 
1 1/2 scoops HDT 5+1 vanilla protein powder 
1 apple, peeled, cored, and sliced 
(or 1/2 C no-sugar-added applesauce) 
2 packets Splenda 
1/2 t cinnamon 
1/4 t nutmeg 
3/4 C water 
8-10 ice cubes Blend thoroughly and drink up 
Butterscotch Pecan Liquid Pie 
2 scoops ProScore 100 vanilla 
8 oz cold water 
2 T sugar free butterscotch pudding mix 
4-5 ice cubes 
1/4 C pecans 
Blend protein powder, water and pudding mix. 
(The pudding mix thickens the liquid considerably). 
Add ice cubes and blend till ice slivers. 
Add pecans and blend again for a few seconds. 
Pour into nice huge parfait glass and enjoy. 
(about 300 calories). 
Cherry Vanilla Protein Shake 
1 scoop vanilla powder 
1/2 cup SF cherry yogurt 
4 ice cubes
splash water 
vanilla extract (to taste)
cherry extract (to taste) 
Put all of it in a blender and hit liquify! Enjoy 
Choco Mint Shake 
1 1/2 scoops HDT 5+1 chocolate protein powder 
1 packet of sugar free hot chocolate mix 
1 teaspoon mint flavoring 
1/2 cup of soy milk 
1/2 cup of water
6 large ice cubes 
Put all ingredients into blender 
And mix to desired consistency. Serve cold. 
Chocolate Almond Shake 
2 scoops ProScore 100 chocolate 
1 cup of soy milk 
2 T Sweet N Low chocolate syrup 
1 t almond flavoring 
1/4 cup of almonds 
6-8 ice cubes 
Blend all ingredients, 
Except almonds and ice cubes, 
Then add nuts and cubes and blend again 
Chocolate Banana Peanut Butter De-Lite 
3/4 c. cold water 
1/4 c. Toasted Marshmallow s/f syrup 
2 scoops PS IOO Chocolate Protein Powder 4 packets. equal 
1/2 small banana 
1T. low sugar Peanut Butter 
1T. s/f White Chocolate Instant Pudding Mix 
Put everything in blender 
And whirl till smooth. 
Scrape down sides if necessary 
And whirl some more. 
Chocolate Banana Smoothie 
1/2 cup banana Fat-Free NutraSweet Sweetened Yogurt 
1/2 cup Non-fat Milk 
1/2 cup ripe banana peeled and sliced 
Dash of Vanilla 
1 Scoop Chocolate Protein Powder of Choice 
Put all ingredients except ice in blender, 
Blend until smooth. 
Add ice and blend 
To give it a frozen smoothie consistency. 
Chocolate Coconut Shake
2 oz Coconut Milk 
6 oz Cold Water 
2 scoops Chocolate protein powder 
1 tsp Chocolate or Banana Sugar-Free pudding 
Hand Shake well. 
Chocolate Covered Banana 
1 scoop Chocolate Isopure 
1/2 c 1% milk 
splash of sugar-free chocolate syrup 
1/2 banana 
4 maraschino cherries 
2 handfuls ice 
Chocolate Covered Cherry Shake 
1 1/2 scoops HDT 5+1 chocolate protein powder 
1 cup soy milk 
2T Sweet N Low chocolate syrup 
10-12 cherries - (no pits please) 
8-10 ice cubes 
Put all ingredients into blender 
And mix to desired consistency 
Chocolate Frosty Shake 
1 rounded scoop Optimum Nutrition Pro Complex Chocolate Protein Powder 
1 rounded tsp. fat free sugar free French Vanilla International Coffee 
1 rounded tsp. fat free Creamora (non-dairy coffee creamer powder) 
10 ice cubes 
Use a blender to get a shake-like consistency 
Chocolate Fudge Shake 
2 scoops ProScore 100 chocolate 
2 T chocolate fudge sugar free pudding mix 
8 oz water 
5 large ice cubes, 
tiny silver spoon (optional) 
Blend ProScore, pudding and water, add ice cubes,
Blend till crushed with ice slivers still un-melted, 
Pour into insulated cup (makes about 16 oz) 
And eat it with a tiny silver spoon. 
Chocolate OrangeSicle 
1 1/2 scoops ProScore 100 chocolate 
1/2 Scoop OrangeSicle protein powder 
8 oz water 
Shake very well 
Chocolate Peanut Butter Death 
2 scoops PS100 Chocolate Protein Powder 
8 oz Cold Water 
2 tsp Chocolate SF Pudding Mix 
1 packets Splenda 
1 Generous splash (probably 1 1/2 ounces) of SF DaVinci Peanut Butter Syrup 
1 Generous splash (probably 1 1/2 ounces) of SF DaVinci Cookie Dough Syrup 
1 Heaping Tablespoon (Daloop) of Fat Free Cool Whip Light 
1 Heaping Teaspoon of Reduced Fat Creamy Peanut Butter 
approx. 6 oz of crushed ice 
Mix until entirely smooth - pour - sit back and enjoy pure indulgence 
Chocolate Peanut Butter Shake 
1 scoop chocolate protein powder 
1 tbs. peanut butter 
1 cup skim milk 
2 handfuls ice 
Blend thoroughly 
Chocolate Raspberry Shake 
2 scoops ProScore 100 chocolate 
8 oz water (or skim, lactaid or soy milk) sugar free raspberry syrup 
Blend and enjoy 
Chocolate Vanilla Swirl 
1/2 scoop chocolate protein powder 
1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder 
splash Vitamite 
splash water 
Blend thoroughly 
Chocolate-Banana Shake 
1 scoop chocolate protein powder 
1/2 banana 
1 cup skim milk 
2 handfuls ice 
Blend thoroughly. 
Hint: if you can't use a banana, 
Try banana extract...tastes good! 
Coco Loco 
1 1/2 scoops 100%Whey Vanilla Protein powder 
4 oz Vitamite 
6 packets Splenda 
splash Luzianne Peach Mango Ice Tea flavoring 
2 drops Coconut extract 
2 drops Pineapple extract 
1 drop Rum extract (optional) 
5 ice cubes 
Blend and chop ice thoroughly 
Cookies & Cream 
Splash of Cookies & Cream coffee Splash of Vitamite 
Splash of water 
1 tsp. Sugar Free DaVinci Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Syrup (optional) 
1/3 scoop ProBlend 55 
1/3 scoop Pro V60 Chocolate Thunder 
1/3 scoop Pro V60 Vanilla Creme ice Blend 
Creamy Peach Melba 
6-8 frozen peach slices
4-6 oz water 
1 tbsp peach mango Luzianne Tea Flavor 
1 tsp DaVinci Raspberry flavor 
2 packets splenda 
1 tbsp heavy cream 
2 scoops Keto Peaches & Cream Protein Powder 
Blend peaches, 
Water, flavorings, & splenda until liquid. 
Add protein powder. 
Drizzle in cream last. Blend well. 
Donna's Delicious Protein Smoothie 
6 to 8 oz sunrise orange crystal light (premade) 
3 ice cubes 
3 frozen raspberries 
1 scoop of vanilla protein powder 
Optional: tablespoon of light cool whip 
Mix crystal light with the ice cubes and frozen raspberries, 
Add the scoop of vanilla protein powder 
And mix only for a few seconds 
(mixing the protein too much causes it to foam) 
Double Chocolate Fudge 
1 cup skim milk 
1 packet, no sugar added hot cocoa mix 
1 scoop Chocolate protein powder 
4 ice cubes (or 1 cup crushed ice) Mix in blender. 
Egg Nog 
1 scoop of Vanilla HDT 5+1 vanilla 1 cup of soy milk 
1 teaspoon of rum extract 
1/2 teaspoon of all spice 
4-6 large ice cubes 
Put all ingredients into blender and mix to desired consistency. Serve cold. 
Elvis IS IN MY KITCHEN RIGHT NOW making a PB & J Milkshake 
2 scoops ProScore Vanilla Protein Powder 
1 Tbsp. vanilla sugar-free instant pudding 
8 oz cold water 
1 Tbsp or to taste berry, raspberry or peach (or other) sugar-free syrup 
3-5 ice cubes 
1 Tbsp. crunchy peanut butter 
Combine the protein powder, 
Pudding, and sugar-free syrup into blender 
And blend for 30 seconds. 
Add 3-5 ice cubes, blend until ice slivers, 
Add crunchy peanut butter, 
Blend for a few seconds. 
Pour into 16 oz glass. 
Eat with a small silver spoon, savoring each spoonful. 
Extra spicy ProScore Mocha Chai 
2 oz of any strong (i.e. Starbucks) 
left-over cold coffee with half & half 
piece of fresh ginger
4-5 cloves few peppercorns 
1 oz cold strong unsweetened Chai tea 
4-5 ice cubes 
2 scoops ProScore 100 Chocolate Protein Powder 
pinch nutmeg 
splash vanilla extract 
in a COLD blender, add cold coffee, 
ginger, cloves, peppercorns, cold Chai tea. 
Blend, adding 4-5 ice cubes one at a time 
until ice cubes are broken up. 
Add 2 scoops protein powder while blender is moving. 
Add cinnamon, nutmeg and vanilla extract. 
1 tbs. instant coffee or a splash of cold coffee 
1 scoop chocolate or vanilla protein powder 
2 handfuls ice 
1/2 cup skim milk 
blend thoroughly. 
Frappucchino On-the-Go 
1/2 can Blue Luna light _mocha (or Starbuck's light Frappachino brand) 
1 scoop chocolate protein powder 
Shake in Blue Luna can and pour over ice. 
Fruit Freeze 
1 cup skim milk (substitute water if you don't do milk) 
1 scoop unflavored protein powder 
5 strawberries, frozen, no added sugar 
2 peaches, frozen, no added sugar 
1 cup pineapple, canned, packed in juice (or Lite syrup) 
4 ice cubes (or 1 cup crushed ice) Mix in blender. 
Fruit Smoothie 
1/2 cup fresh squeezed orange juice 
4 fresh strawberries frozen and sliced 
1/2 fresh banana frozen and sliced 
1 scoop Vanilla or Strawberry protein powder of choice 
Put all ingredients except ice in blender 
And blend until smooth. 
Add ice and blend until frozen smoothie consistency. 
1 1/2 scoops chocolate protein powder 
12 oz cold water 
10 packets splenda 
1 sugar free fudgesicle 
1/2 oz DaVinci sugar free vanilla syrup 
6 ice cubes 
put all ingredients except protein into blender-
blend on high until no more pings from ice on blades-
turn down blender until top of mixture is moving 
but not splashing-add protein-replace cover and whirl-
but not too high or it will puff up to about 40 oz! 
Good Morning Smoothie 
1 small banana 
3/4 cup skim milk 
1/2 cup non-fat sugar free strawberry yogurt 
1/4 cup fresh squeezed orange juice 
1 scoop vanilla protein powder of choice 
Put all ingredients except ice in blender and blend until smooth. 
Add ice and blend until frozen fruit smoothie consistency. 
Iced Mocha Latte 
2 scoops ProScore 100 chocolate, leftover cold coffee (decaf Hazelnut) 
1 T fat free sugar free vanilla pudding mix 
a splash of sugar free hazelnut coffee syrup 
and a few ice cubes 
Light and Dark Symphony 
1 scoop ProBlend 55 _Mocha Cappuccino 
splash coffee 
splash water ice 
Blend thoroughly for light symphony; 
for dark symphony add 1 tbs. white chocolate SF syrup and blend
Luscious Pina Colada 
2 scoops ProScore 100 vanilla 
2 T vanilla sugar free pudding mix 
dash of coconut flavoring 
dash of pineapple flavoring 
Blend and enjoy 
Mango Morning Smoothie 
Juice of 1/2 of a fresh lime 
2oz cold water 
meat of 1 mango 
small piece fresh ginger 
1 tsp vanilla extract (or almond extract) 
7-8 ice cubes 
2 scoops ProScore Vanilla 
Blend lime juice, cold water, 
meat of mango, ginger and vanilla extract until smooth. 
When blended, add 7-8 ice cubes, one at a time until blended. 
Add ProScore Vanilla protein powder 
one scoop at a time while blender is still moving. 
You can substitute soy milk instead of water 
and soy ice cubes instead of plain ice, 
but you will need to watch calories with those substitutions. 
Mocha, Ginger & Cinnamon 
2 scoops ProScore 100 Chocolate 
4 oz left-over coffee with half & half
a few good sprinkles of cinnamon 
small piece FRESH ginger 6-8 ice cubes
Blend on low, then on high. 
Add about 6-8 ice cubes, one at a time  
chuck each one HARD into the blender while blending. 
Blend until creamy. 
Old Fashioned Vanilla Ice Cream Shake 
1 1/2 scoop GNC 100% Whey Vanilla Protein Powder 
4-5 packets of Splenda 
1 capful DaVinci's Sugar-Free Vanilla Syrup 
5 oz Vitamite 
lots of ice cubes 
Blend syrup, Splenda, and Vitamite together. 
Add protein powder; blend until mixed. 
Add Ice and blend until chopped well. 
Orange & Cream Shake 
8 ounces (or less if you wish) Stewart's Diet Orange & Cream Soda 
splash Vitamite 
1 scoop ProV60 Vanilla Cream protein
ice blend extra thoroughly to get rid of all of the carbonation 
Orange Banana Smoothie 
1/2 cup cold water 
1/2 cup pulp free OJ 
1/2 banana sliced 
1 rounded scoop Keto Shake Orange Creme protein powder 
1 rounded scoop Keto Shake Banana Creme protein powder 
1 cup ice
Blend all ingredients except ice until smooth. 
Add ice, blend until smoothie consistency. 
Orange Julius 
8 oz non-fat plain yogurt 
1 can (6 oz) Frozen Orange Juice Concentrate 
2 1/2 cup skim milk 
1 Tsp vanilla extract 
2 scoops Protein Powder of your choice 
Put ingredients in blender, 
blend until smooth, fruit smoothie consistency. 
Orange Julius Ain't Got Nothing On Us Smoothie 
2 Scoops ProScore 100 vanilla 
6 oz water 
1 T sugar free vanilla pudding mix 
1/4 c real orange juice (preferably hand squeezed with pulp, or from store with pulp) 
1 t good vanilla flavoring 
3-4 ice cubes 
Blend all ingredients except ice cubes. 
Cold water will cause pudding mix to thicken. 
Add ice cubes and blend till ice slivers. 
Pour into tall glass and use straw to sip, 
dainty, a little at a time, really taste it. Don't guzzle (grin) 
Peach Creamsicle 
6 oz Crystal Lite Peach Tea 
2 tablespoon SF Instant Vanilla Pudding 
1 scoop Vanilla Protein Powder 
6 packets Splenda 
ice cubes 
Blend thoroughly 
Peach and Strawberry Yummy 
3 slices frozen peaches (or 1/2 frozen banana) 
3 good sized frozen strawberries 
1/4 - 1/2 cup water 
1 packets Splenda 
1 rounded Vanilla protein powder
Pina Colada Smoothie 
8oz can refrigerated crushed pineapple in natural unsweetened juices 
1 Tsp coconut flavoring 
1/2 cup crushed ice 
1 packet artificial sweetener 
1 scoop vanilla protein powder of choice
Combine in blender and blend for 2 minutes on high 
Pineapple Vanilla Ginger Shake 
Meat from 1/2 SMALL COLD pineapple enough cold water to blend 
small piece of fresh ginger 
5-6 ice cubes 
2 scoops ProScore 100 Vanilla Protein Powder 
cinnamon and fresh mint 
In a blender put meat from pineapple, 
enough COLD water to blend, and ginger. 
Blend until smooth. 
Add 5-6 ice cubes, 1 piece at a time and blend until creamy. 
Add 2 scoops of ProScore 100 Vanilla while blender is in motion 
(OK to substitute different brand). 
Pour into a brandy glass, 
sprinkle a bit of cinnamon on top and add a piece of fresh mint. 
Real Root Beer float 
1.5 scoops of diet, sugar-free vanilla ice cream 
1 scoop vanilla protein powder 
3/4 can diet root beer 
Stir thoroughly 
Root Beer Float 
1 scoop vanilla protein powder 
1 can diet root beer 
Mix thoroughly and pour over ice 
Even Better Root beer Float 
2 scoops Vanilla Carb Solutions Protein Powder 
1 12 ounce can Diet Root Beer (A&W is best) open and let soda go flat 
4 or 5 ice cubes 
2 envelopes Splenda 
Throw it all in a blender and enjoy! 
splash coffee (optional, but really does taste better!) 
splash Vitamite 
splash water DaVinci Sugar-free Toasted Marshmallow syrup (to taste) 
Chocolate protein powder 
(something milk-chocolaty seems to taste best , 
like ProV60 Chocolate Thunder) 
Sans Sucre Cinnamon Sugar (to taste) ice 
blend thoroughly 
splash Snicker doodle coffee 
splash Vitamite 
splash water 
1 scoop chocolate protein powder 
Blend thoroughly. 
Don't have Snicker doodle coffee? 
Substitute regular coffee, SF hazelnut syrup and the SF cinnamon sugar. 
This one is excellent!!!! 
Snickers Candy Bar 
splash chocolate caramel coffee 
splash Vitamite 
splash water 
1 tsp peanut butter or SF peanut butter syrup 
chocolate protein powder 
Blend thoroughly. 
Don't have chocolate caramel coffee? 
You can substitute it with regular coffee, 
SF caramel syrup, SF chocolate syrup 
(optional) if you want even more of a chocolaty taste. 
Strawberry Berry Berry 
1 scoop of Strawberry Pro Blend 55 
4 strawberries (frozen or fresh) 
1/4 cup of blueberries 
1 cup of cranberry juice 
1 cup ice or crushed ice 
Put all ingredients into blender 
and mix to desired consistency. Serve cold. 
Strawberry Chocolate Milk 
2 Scoops Strawberry Carb Solutions 
1 Scoop (use the Carb Solutions scoop) 
Carnation Fat Free Hot Cocoa 
14 ounces water 
Mix in blender with ice for a "shake" 
or shake inshaker for a more milky consistency 
Strawberry for Protein Dummies 
10 frozen strawberrys 
1/2 small banana 
1 scoop (23g) Biochem's Ultimate LO Carb Whey (Natural Flavor) 
8 oz Water 
1/3 cup Carnation Nonfat Dry Milk 
Splenda to taste 
*Note: I found the protein 
by going to a local health food store 
and asking for a whey protein 
with the LEAST taste and that mixed easily into water* 
Tropical Breakfast Smoothie 
1 cup fresh cut-up strawberries 
8 oz pineapple chunks in natural juice 
1 fresh banana sliced 
1/2 cup cholesterol free egg product 
1 scoop vanilla protein powder of choice
Put all ingredients except ice in blender, 
blend until smooth, 
add ice and blend to frozen smoothie consistency. 
This recipe yields more than one serving 
Two Berry Delight 
1 cup frozen or fresh strawberries 
1/2 cup raspberries 
1/2 cup water 
1 cup ice 
1 packet of sweetener 
1/2 cup milk 
1 cup orange juice vitamins or protein powder 

Put all ingredients except ice in blender 
and blend until smooth. 
Add ice and blend to give it a frozen smoothie consistency 
Vanilla Butterscotch 
8 oz cold water 
2 scoops vanilla ProScore 
1T butterscotch sugar-free pudding 
4 ice cubes 
1 T vanilla sugar free pudding 
4-5 ice cubes 
blend it all, and let it set up a little, 
and it tastes all custardy. 
Vanilla Chai 
Vanilla protein powder
8 oz iced Chai tea (made from tea bag and refrigerated) 
dash of cinnamon 
little Splenda 
splash of soy milk 
Blend and enjoy 
Vanilla Frosty 
1 1/2 scoops HDT 5+1 vanilla protein powder 
1/2 to 1 container Dannon Fit and Light yogurt (any flavor) 
3/4 c water or soy milk 
10-12 ice cubes 
Blend in blender until the consistency of a Wendy's frosty 
Vanilla PB Fruity 
2 scoops ProScore 100 vanilla 
1 T sugar free vanilla pudding mix 
8 oz water,
1T or to taste berry or raspberry or peach or other sugar-free syrup (0 calories) 
3-5 ice cubes 
2 t peanut butter-crunchy kind 
Blend before adding peanut butter, 
add peanut butter and blend again till ice slivers. 
Note: (if you put in too many ice cubes, it will dilute the peanutty taste)... 
Vanilla Spice Freeze 
2 scoops ProScore 100 vanilla 
2 T vanilla Sugar Free pudding mix 
pinch of cinnamon 
pinch of cloves 
Blend, store in freezer until it gets thick. Yummmmm 
Vanilla vanilla citrus 
2 oz of refrigerated water 
1/4 lime, (including rind) cut up in about 4-6 pieces 
Piece of fresh ginger to taste 
About 1/2 t. vanilla Blend. 45
Chuck in about 6 cubes, one at a time, till dissolved, 
add 2 scoops of ProScore 100 Vanilla, 
swirl in a little cinnamon, while still blending. 
Add all except ice, ProScore and cinnamon. 
Blend. Add remaining ingredients and blend again. 
White Chocolate Mouse Mocha Frappachino 
splash Vitamite 
splash water 
1 scoop PB55 Mocha Frappachino 
1/2 tsp. SF Jell-O White Chocolate Mouse Pudding 
handful of ice 
Blend thoroughly, sweeten to taste (Optional) 
Peanut Brittle Protein Shake
2 scoops vanilla protein powder
2 tbsp sugar-free instant butterscotch pudding mix (dry) 
1 tbsp natural peanut butter (smooth or chunky)
8 oz. water (or low-fat milk)
3-6 ice cubes
Add all ingredients to blender, whip, and serve. 
I like to use chunky peanut peanut butter 
and add it last so that it it stays chunky (like peanut brittle) 
but it tastes just as good with a smoother consistency.
Cinnamon Roll Protein Shake
2 scoops vanilla protein powder
1 tbsp sugar-free instant vanilla pudding 
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp imitation vanilla (or 1/4 tsp extract)
1 packet artificial sweetener
a few dashes butter flavor sprinkles or butter-flavor extract
8 oz. water (or low-fat milk)
3 ice cubes
Add all ingredients to blender, whip, and serve.
The Hulk Protein Shake
2 scoops vanilla protein 
1  tbsp sugar-free pistachio pudding mix 
1 mint leaf or a few drops peppermint extract (optional) 
a few drops green food coloring (optional) 
8 oz. cold water (or low-fat milk) 
3-5 ice cubes 
Add all ingredients to blender, blend, and pour into cup. 
This tastes great without the mint so don't worry if you don't have it around. 
Instant Breakfast
1/4 cup orange juice
1/2 cup milk skim
1 package of carnation instant breakfast
1 scoop of protein
4 ice cubes
Strawberry Instant Breakfast
1cup skim milk 
1 packet of instant breakfast
1 scoop protein
1/2 cup frozen strawberries 
blend 45 seconds
Mocha Instant Breakfast
SF Carnation Instant Breakfast 
2c. NF low carb milk
1 tsp decaf coffee 
1/8 tsp cinnamon
1/2 scoop protein powder
Mix until smooth
This gives you 38g of protein!
Chocolate Fudge Shake 
2 scoops ProScore 100 chocolate 
2 T chocolate fudge sugar free pudding mix 
8 oz water 
5 large ice cubes, 
tiny silver spoon (optional) 
Blend ProScore, pudding and water, add ice cubes,
Blend till crushed with ice slivers still un-melted, 
Pour into insulated cup (makes about 16 oz) 
And eat it with a tiny silver spoon.
Berry Berry Smoothy
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
1-2 scoops low carb ice cream
1 cup skim milk (or 1% milk)
1 cup frozen fruit medley
Mix in blender until smooth 
Banana Mocca
8 oz milk (carb countdown, 2%, or whatever you use)
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
1/2 banana
1 tbsp. instant coffee 
Chocolate-Banana-Coffee Shake
1/2 tsp coffee (I dont like coffee)
1 small scoop low carb ice cream
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup water
1 scoop chocolate protein
1/2 banana
then I hit blend...
Lemon Strawberry Yogurt Smoothie
1 cup nonfat vanilla yogurt
1 scoop unflavored protein powder
1/2 cup lite orange juice
1 & 1/2 cup strawberries
1/2 cup crushed ice
1 T. lemon juice
1/2 tsp. lemon zest 
Combine all in blender until smooth. 
Colossal Cranberry Smoothie
Serves: 2 
1 1/2 cups lite Cran-Raspberry Juice
2 cups frozen mixed berries
1 1/2 cups nonfat vanilla frozen yogurt
2 scoops unflavored protein powder
Put all ingredients into blender and blend until smooth 
Banana Peanut Butter Smoothie 
8 oz skim milk
1/3 small banana
1 tbsp natural peanut butter
2 packets of splenda
5 ice cubes 
1 scoop unflavored protein powder (Could use chocolate if you wanted a choco banana PB smoothie)
In blender combine milk, banana, peanut butter and sweet n' low. Add ice cubes and pulse. 
Double Berry Smoothie
1/4 cup orange juice
1 cup vanilla or plain low-fat yogurt
1 ripe banana, peeled and broken into pieces
1/4 cup blueberries, fresh or frozen
1/4 cup blackberries, fresh or frozen
1 scoop unflavored or vanilla protein powder
Chocolate Peanut Butter Supreme: 
(Lean Mass Gain) 
 12 oz. water
 4 ice cubes 
 1 tablespoon heavy whipping cream
 1 tablespoon natural peanut butter
 2 scoops chocolate protein powder 
Mocha Shake: 
(Lean Mass Gain) 
 6 oz. water 
 4 ice cubes 
 2 tablespoons heavy whipping cream 
 6 oz.. coffee* 
 2 scoops chocolate protein powder
 *You may use 12 oz. coffee and no water for an extra pre-workout or morning kick!
Frozen Chocolate Banana 
(Lean Mass Gain) 
 12 oz. Water
 4 to 5 ice cubes
 1 banana
 1 tablespoon heavy cream
 2 scoops chocolate protein powder
German Chocolate Cake: 
(Lean Mass Gain) 
 12 oz. water
 4 ice cubes
 1 tablespoon heavy cream
 1 tablespoon cream of coconut
 2 scoops chocolate protein powder
Tangerine Cream: 
(Maximum Fat Loss or Lean Mass Gain) 
 12 oz. Tangerine Diet Rite
 4 Ice Cubes
 1 to 2 tablespoons heavy cream
 1 to 3 scoops vanilla protein powder
Root Beer Float: 
(Maximum Fat Loss or Lean Mass Gain) 
 1 can Diet A&W Root Beer
 1 to 2 tablespoons Heavy Cream
 4 ice cubes
 1 to 3 scoops vanilla protein powder
Pineapple Blast: 
(Lean Mass Gain Fat Burning and off Season) 
 4 ice cubes
 12 oz. water
 2 scoops vanilla protein powder
 1/2 cup pineapple chunks
Pina Colada Passion 
(Lean Mass Gain Fat Burning and Off Season) 
 12 oz. water
 4 ice cubes
 3 scoops vanilla protein powder
 1/3 cup Pineapple chunks
 2 tsp. Coconut extract
Chocolate Banana Shake 
 1 to 2 scoops of chocolate protein powder
 6 to 8 ounces of water
 4 to 6 ice cubes
 8 strawberries
 Mix in a blender on medium for 1 minute. Pour into a tall glass. Enjoy! 
Chocolate Banana Shake 
 1 to 2 scoops of chocolate protein powder
 6 to 8 ounces of water
 4 to 6 ice cubes
 1 banana
 Mix in a blender on medium for 1 minute. Pour into a tall glass. Enjoy! 
Chocolate Strawberry Blast 
 1 to 2 scoops of chocolate protein powder
 6 to 8 ounces of water
 4 to 6 ice cubes
 8 strawberries
 Mix in a blender on medium for 1 minute. Pour into a tall glass. Enjoy! 
Vanilla Banana Creamy 
 1 to 2 scoops of vanilla protein powder
 6 to 8 ounces of water or whole (or 2%) milk
 6 ice cubes
 1 banana
 Mix in a blender on medium for 1 minute. Pour into a tall glass. Enjoy! 
Rasberry Chocolate Thick 
 1 to 2 scoops of chocolate protein powder
 6 to 8 ounces of whole (or 2%) milk
 6 ice cubes
 8 rasberries
 Mix in a blender on medium for 1 minute. Pour into a tall glass. Drink or eat with a spoon! 
Banana Cheerio Quickfast 
 Great for a super fast morning meal
 1 to 2 scoops of chocolate protein powder
 6 to 8 ounces of water
 4 to 6 ice cubes
 1 banana
 3/4 cup cup or original cheerios 
 Mix in a blender on medium for 1 minute. Pour into a tall glass. Enjoy! 
Orange Creamsicle 
 1 to 2 scoops of vanilla protein powder
 6 to 8 ounces of water
 4 to 6 ice cubes
 1 to 2 peeled oranges
 Mix in a blender on medium for 1 minute. Pour into a tall glass. Enjoy! 
Blueberry Blaster 
 1 to 2 scoops of vanilla protein powder
 6 to 8 ounces of water
 4 to 6 ice cubes
 20-30 blueberries
 Mix in a blender on medium for 1 minute. Pour into a tall glass. Enjoy! 
Mocha Surprise 
 Save some leftover coffee and add about 1/2 cup to your next chocolate shake. Adds 0 calories but lots of taste. 
Orange Tangy 
 Add a dash of sugar free Tang to a vanilla protein shake. Adds less than 10 calories and brings back childhood memories of enjoying the real thing. 
 A few drops of mint extract will turn your chocolate shake into a chocolate mint treat. 
 Add a dash of cinnamon, a dash of nutmeg and a sprinkle of butter buds to a vanilla shake to create a yummy eggnog flavor. 
Chocolate Monkey
8 oz. water or 4 oz. soy milk/4 oz. water
1 scoop chocolate protein
1/2 a banana

Place water in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended.
Strawberry Banana Smoothie
8 oz. water or 4 oz. soy milk/4 oz. water
1 scoop vanilla protein
1/2 banana
3 whole frozen strawberries

Place water in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended.
Banana Split
8 oz. water or 4 oz. soy milk/4 oz. water
1 scoop of vanilla protein powder
1/2 banana
1/4 cup chopped pineapple
2 frozen strawberries

Place water in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended.
Blueberry Bonanza Smoothie
8 oz. water or 4 oz. soy milk/4 oz. water
1 scoop of vanilla protein powder
1/2 cup frozen or fresh blueberries

Place water in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended.
Chocolate Covered Cherry
8 oz. water or 4 oz. soy milk/4 oz. water
1 scoop chocolate protein
10-12 frozen or fresh cherries
optional: 1 tsp. of SF Cherry Torani Syrup or a drop of cherry extract

Place water in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended.
Silky Latte
4 oz. Silk brand Mocha soy milk
4 oz. water
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
2-3 ice cubes

Place liquid in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended.
Silky Mocha
4 oz. Silk brand Mocha soy milk
4 oz. water
1 scoop chocolate protein powder
2-3 ice cubes

Place liquid in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended.
Mint Chocolate Chip Protein Smoothie
4 oz. Vitasoy Peppermint Chocolate soy milk 
4 oz. water
1 scoop chocolate protein powder
2-3 ice cubes

Place liquid in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended.
Pumpkin Spice Smoothie
8 oz. water or 4 oz. soy milk/4 oz. water
1 scoop of vanilla protein powder
1/4 cup canned pumpkin (chilled)
Dash of pumpkin pie spice

Place water in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended.
Berry Berry Good Smoothie
8 oz. water or 4 oz. soy milk/4 oz. water
1 scoop of vanilla protein powder
1/2 cup frozen or fresh berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries)

Place water in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended.
8 oz. cold coffee
1 scoop chocolate protein
2-3 ice cubes

Place liquid in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended.
Egg Nog Protein Shake
4 oz. Silk Nog soy milk
4 oz. water
1 scoop vanilla protein 
Dash of nutmeg

Place liquid in the blender first, then powder. Blend on low then high till well blended. Dash of nutmeg on top.
Pina Colada

8 oz. water or 4 oz. soy milk/4 oz. water
1 scoop of vanilla protein powder
1/4 cup pineapple 
1 Tbs. SF Coconut Torani Syrup (I've also used 2 T. of unsweetened coconut from the health food store or Baker's catalog)

Place water in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended.
Peanut Butter Cup 
8 oz. water or 4 oz. soy milk/4 oz. water
1 scoop chocolate protein powder 
1 Tbs. peanut butter (smooth or chunky)
2-3 ice cubes

Place water in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended.
Cherry Vanilla Smoothie
8 oz. water or 4 oz. soy milk/4 oz. water
1 scoop vanilla protein
5-6 maraschino cherries
1 Tbs. SF French Vanilla Torani Syrup

Place water in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended.
Chocolate Caramel Protein Shake
8 oz. water or 4 oz. soy milk/4 oz. water
1 scoop chocolate protein powder 
1 Tbs. SF Caramel Torani Syrup 
3 Ice Cubes

Place water in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended.
Blueberry Banana Protein Smoothie
8 oz. water or 4 oz. soy milk/4 oz. water
1 scoop vanilla protein
1/2 cup frozen blueberries
1/2 banana

Place water in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended.
Strawberry Smoothie
8 oz. water or 4 oz. soy milk/4 oz. water
1 scoop vanilla protein
3-4 Frozen Whole Strawberries

Place liquid in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended.
Lemon Meringue Smoothie
8 oz. water or 4 oz. soy milk/4 oz. water
1 scoop of vanilla protein powder
1 T. SF Jello Lemon Pudding Powder
2 Ice Cubes

Place water in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended.
Green Giant
8 oz. water or 4 oz. soy milk/4 oz. water
1 scoop of vanilla protein powder
1 T. SF Jello Pistachio Pudding Powder
2 Ice Cubes

Place water in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended.
Butterscotch Shake
8 oz. water or 4 oz. soy milk/4 oz. water
1 scoop of vanilla protein powder
1 T. SF Jello Butterscotch Pudding Powder
2 Ice Cubes

Place water in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended.
Strawberry Cheesecake Shake
8 oz. water or 4 oz. soy milk/4 oz. water
1 scoop of vanilla protein powder
1 T. SF Jello Cheesecake Pudding Powder
3-4 Frozen or Fresh Strawberries

Place water in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended.
Vanilla Spice Protein Shake
4 oz. Silk Spice soy milk
4 oz. water
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
Dash Cinnamon
Dash Nutmeg
2-3 ice cubes

Place liquid in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended.
Chocolate Almond Protein Smoothie
4 oz. vanilla soy milk
4 oz. water
1 scoop chocolate protein powder
1 T. Almond Butter
2-3 ice cubes

Place liquid in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended.
Mango Madness Protein Smoothie
4 oz. water
4 oz. vanilla soy milk
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
1/2 cup fresh or frozen mango chunks
2-3 ice cubes

Place liquid in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended.
Banana Joe Protein Shake
4 oz. water
4 oz. vanilla soy milk
1 scoop vanilla protein powder 
1/2 banana 
1/2 shot of espresso or 1/4 cup fresh coffee or 1 tsp instant coffee 
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
2-3 ice cubes

Place liquid in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended.
Carrot Cake Protein Shake
4 oz. water
4 oz. Silk Spice soy milk (if you use Vanilla or Plain Milk add more cinnamon and nutmeg)
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
1/2 cup frozen sliced carrots
1 Tablespoon Cream Cheese
Dash Cinnamon
Dash Nutmeg

Place liquids in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended.
Mango Banana Protein Lassi
4 oz. vanilla soy milk
4 oz. water
1/4 cup Greek yogurt 
1 Tbs. SF Vanilla Torani Syrup
1 scoop vanilla protein powder 
1/2 Banana (fresh or frozen)
1/2 cup fresh or frozen mango chunks
2-3 ice cubes 

Place liquid in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended.
Banana Protein Smoothie
4 oz. water
4 oz. vanilla soy milk
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
1/2 Banana (fresh or frozen)
Dash Cinnamon
Dash Nutmeg
2-3 Ice Cubes

2-3 ice cubes

Place liquid in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended.
Mocha Banana Joe Protein Shake
4 oz. water
4 oz. vanilla soy milk
1 scoop Chocolate protein powder 
1/2 banana 
1 tsp 
2-3 ice cubes

Place liquid in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended.
Mocha Joe Protein Shake
4 oz. water
4 oz. vanilla soy milk
1 scoop Chocolate protein powder 
1 tsp instant espresso powder 
2-3 ice cubes

Place liquid in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended.
Peach Cobbler Protein Shake
8 oz. water or 4 oz. soy milk/4 oz. water
1 scoop of vanilla protein powder
1/4 cup frozen sliced peaches
dash cinnamon
dash nutmeg
2-3 ice cubes

Place liquid in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended
Mango Banana Protein Smoothie
8 oz. water or 4 oz. soy milk/4 oz. water
1 scoop of vanilla protein powder
1/4 cup frozen mango chunks
1/2 a banana
2-3 ice cubes

Place liquid in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended.
Gingersnap Protein Smoothie
8 oz. water or 4 oz. soy milk/4 oz. water
1 scoop of vanilla protein powder
1/2-3/4 teaspoon ground ginger
1 Tablespoon Starbuck's SF Cinnamon Dolce Syrup
dash of cinnamon
2-3 ice cubes

Place liquid in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended.
Basic Instructions:
1 scoop of protein powder, 4-6 ounces of water, natural low sugar juice or skim milk. These drinks are excellent by themselves or when blended at low speed for 1 to 3 minutes with 4-8 ice cubes or the equivalent amount of crushed ice.
Vanilla Blush 
1 scoop Vanilla Protein powder
8 oz. water
1/2 TBL Carob Powder
Pinch Ground Cinnamon
4 - 8 ice cubes 
Iced Expresso 
1 scoop Vanilla Protein powder
8 oz. water
1 1/2 TBL instant Expresso Coffee
4 - 8 ice cubes 
Apple Pie 
1 scoop Vanilla Protein powder
4 oz. Apple Juice & 4 oz. water
1 graham cracker (4 sm squares)
4 - 8 ice cubes 
Double Apple 
1 scoop Vanilla Protein powder
4 oz. Apple Juice & 4 oz. water
1/2 Apple, chopped or sliced
4 - 8 ice cubes 
Orange Creamsicle 
1 scoop Vanilla Protein powder
8 oz. Orange Juice
4 - 8 ice cubes 
Orange Monkey 
1 scoop Vanilla Protein powder
8 oz. Orange Juice
1/2 banana
4 - 8 ice cubes 
Lemon Squeeze 
4 scoops Vanilla Protein powder
3 oz. Lemon Juice & 5 oz. water
1 TBL Honey
4 - 8 ice cubes 
Pink Possibility 
1 scoop Vanilla Protein powder
8 oz. Pink Grapefruit Juice
4 - 8 ice cubes 
Tangy Tangerine 
1 scoop Vanilla Protein powder
1/2 cup Tangerine Non-Fat Yogurt
Fresh or canned Tangerines
4 - 8 ice cubes 
Strawberry Supreme 
1 scoop Vanilla Protein powder
8 oz. water
1 cup frozen Strawberries
4 - 8 ice cubes 
Rapsi Rumble 
1 scoop Vanilla Protein powder
4 oz. Orange/Pineapple Juice
4 oz. water
1/4 cup frozen Raspberries
1/2 Kiwi
4 - 8 ice cubes 
Creamy Cranberry 
1 scoop Vanilla Protein powder
8 oz. Cranberry Juice
1/2 cup Vanilla Non-Fat Yogurt
4 - 8 ice cubes 
1 scoop Vanilla Protein powder
4 oz. Cranberry Juice
4 oz. water
1/4 cup frozen Raspberries
1/4 cup frozen Strawberries
4 - 8 ice cubes 
1 scoop Vanilla Protein powder
8 oz. water
1 cup fresh or frozen Mixed
4 - 8 ice cubes 
Peach Paradise 
1 scoop Vanilla Protein powder
8 oz. water
1 Peach, chopped or sliced
1/2 Banana
4 - 8 ice cubes 
Hawaiian Holiday 
1 scoop Vanilla Protein powder
8 oz. Pineapple Juice
4 or 5 frozen Strawberries
1/2 Banana
4 drops Coconut Extract
4 - 8 ice cubes 
Papaya Pizzazz 
1 scoop Vanilla Protein powder
8 oz. Papaya Juice
1/2 Peach, chopped or sliced
1/2 Banana
4 - 8 ice cubes 
Mango Mambo 
1 scoop Vanilla Protein powder
4 oz. Pineapple Juice
4 oz. water
1/2 cup Passionfruit Mango
1/2 Peach, chopped or sliced
4 - 8 ice cubes 
1 scoop Vanilla Protein powder
8 - 12 oz. Diet Coke
1/4 cup Non-Fat Vanilla Ice Cream
4 - 8 ice cubes 
Black Cow 
1 scoop Vanilla Protein powder
8 - 12 oz. Diet Root Beer
1/4 cup Non-Fat Van Ice Cream
4 - 8 ice cubes 
The Un-Cola 
1 scoop Vanilla Protein powder
8 - 12 oz. Diet Sprite or 7-Up
1/4 cup Non-Fat Vanilla Ice Cream
4 - 8 ice cubes 
Orange Delight 
1 scoop Vanilla Protein powder
8 - 12 oz. Diet Orange Slice or
Orange Crush
1/2 Banana
4 - 8 ice cubes 
Chocolate Banana 
1 scoop Chocolate Protein powder
4 - 8 oz. Skim Milk
1/2 Banana
4 - 8 ice cubes 
Chocolate Truffle 
1 scoop Chocolate Protein powder
8 oz. Cranberry Juice
4 - 8 ice cubes 
Chocolate Almond Oasis 
1 scoop Chocolate Protein powder
8 oz. water
1/2 Banana
4 drops Almond Extract
4 - 8 ice cubes 
Ice Blended Mocha 
1 scoop Chocolate Protein powder
8 oz. water
1 1/2 TBL instant Coffee
4 - 8 ice cubes 
Blended Mint Mocha 
1 scoop Chocolate Protein powder
8 oz. water
3 drops Mint Extract
1 1/2 TBL instant Coffee
4 - 8 ice cubes 
Black Forest 
1 scoop Chocolate Protein powder
8 oz. water
5 - 10 frozen Strawberries
4 - 8 ice cubes 
CHOCOLATE PEANUT BUTTER SMOOTHIE (All stages except clear liquids)
12 ounces of water 
12 ice cubes
1 scoop of chocolate coconut protein delite
and 1 teaspoon of peanutbutter JIF

Blended well in blender. 
BANANA NOG (All stages except clear liquids)
1 scoop vanilla protien powder
1 cup skim milk
A one inch chunk of banana
1/8 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp vanilla

Whiz up in a blender until smooth.
Makes 64 ounces of drink mix
Serving Size 12 ounces, calories 120, protein 18g, carbs 0, fat 0

1 tub Crystal Light
4 scoops Nectar, fruit juice flavored whey isolate

Prepare the Crystal Light in a plastic pitcher using 64 ounces of water, or to your taste. Using a silicon whisk or large spoon, blend in 3-4 scoops of Nectar. Keep chilled and consume within 24 hours of preparation to ensure freshness. Stir before pouring as some settling occurs. Great flavor combinations include:
Crystal Light Fruit Punch and Nectar Twisted Cherry
Crystal Light Sunrise Orange and Nectar Fuzzy Navel
Crystal Light Pineapple Orange and Nectar Fuzzy Navel or Caribbean Cooler
Crystal Light Peach Tea and Nectar Lemon Tea
Crystal Light Raspberry Lemonade and Nectar Roadside Lemonade, Strawberry Kiwi or Twisted Cherry
Crystal Light Pineapple Orange and IsoFruit Delite Pineapple
Lipton SF Green Tea Honey Lemon and IsoFruit Delite Apple 
Pumpkin Protein Shake (All stages except clear liquids)
1/4 c. pumpkin puree, unsweetened
2 T. Splenda Granular
pinch of salt
1/8 t. cinnamon
1/8 t. ginger
scant 1/8 t. cloves
OR 1/2 t. pumpkin pie spice instead of other seperate spices
1 cup milk or soymilk
1 scoop Matrix Vanilla pro powder
1/4 cup frozen Cool Whip or NSA Vanilla Ice Cream
1 - 1 1/2 cups ice
Throw all ingredients into blender and whiz up. Pour into a tall glass and drizzle with Caramel Sauce, if desired. (Cinnamon Bliss is fab!!) 
HOT COCOA (All stages except clear liquids)
1 tablespoon Splenda
1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa
2 tablespoons dried milk powder
8 ounces non-fat milk
Dash salt
Few drops good quality vanilla

Blend Splenda, unsweetened cocoa, dried milk powder and salt in large mug. Blend in milk, stirring until dissolved. Microwave 1 minute on high or until hot. Can also heat in saucepan on stove. (13 grams of protein) 
BUTTERCREME TOFFEE ICED VANILLA LATTE (All stages except clear liquids)
2-3oz crushed ice
4oz Mice Milk Vanilla - 9g
2-3oz water
1/2 packet Big Train Vanilla Latte mix - 1g
1/2 scoop Elite Buttercreme Toffee flavor- 11g

Dump it all in a Magic Bullet or blender and blend away! Add a blob of SF Cool Whip or RediWhip if desired.
This is really good! It's sweet, but not super-sweet
PINA COLADA SHAKE (All stages except clear liquids)
1 container FAGE 2% yogurt 
8 oz skim milk (could be done with water, I suppose)
1 scoop Isofruit Pineapple
1 oz s/f Coconut syrup
6 ice cubes

Process in blender or bullet.

Makes a 16 oz shake with 46g of protein
CHOCOLATE MILKSHAKE (All stages except clear liquids)
Frozen Vanilla Yogurt 
Scoop of Chocolate Coconut Protein Powder
1" brownie (BE Low Carb Brownies, i freeze in 1" squares)

Put in Blender with just enough vanilla soymilk to blend.
CARAMEL HAZELNUT SHAKE (All stages except clear liquids)
2 scoops vanilla Zero-Carb Isopure
1 c. ff Lactaid Milk
3 T. Coffee Mate sf Hazelnut non-dairy creamer
1 oz. sf Torani Caramel syrup
Ice (I use an entire tray)

Add everything in blender but ice and blend together to combine. Add ice cubes one by one to create consistency you desire.

Calories: 335
Protein: 59
Carbs: 16
Fat: 3

Notes: I like using the sugar-free and fat-free Coffee Mate creamer