Friday, October 19, 2012

An Interesting Day and Welcome to Carb Central

Today was a humdinger as my Dad used to say.  It started off with an EKG at 7:45 and followed with blood work, a bone density scan, chest xray, and a stress test with ultrasound (stress induced by medicine in an IV not on a treadmill).  The medicine they gave in the IV had a side effect of causing a dry mouth.  Boy was that true.  I thought I "deserved" Cane's for all of that testing (I need to work on this line of thinking), so I swung by and got the Box Combo (no cole slaw, extra fries).  A carb dream.  I choked down the toast first as I usually do.  It was hard to swallow because my mouth was so dry.  I had to drink to swallow   Same with the fries that came next.  Did that stop me.  Oh no.  Then one chicken strip.  I had to stop.  It was gagging me not to be able to swallow.  It was weird and sad at the same time.  I was not enjoying it, but I still eat all that I did.  I kept the 3 remaining strips for Cara and was done.  On a positive note I lost a couple more pounds and am at 21 down.

I sent an email to the PA to see if we could schedule my surgery.  She emailed back that my liver enzymes came back very high even compared to previous lab work   Crap.  She had a call in to my PCP (her brother) to see what he thought.  She called me after talking to him and they think it could be viral.  She asked if I had been sick.  No, but Cara and Phillip had colds this week and I did all that I could to dodge that.  She asked me if I had eaten any raw seafood.  Me?  Nope.  Never.  My white blood cell count was slightly elevated too which led them to think it was viral.  She asked if I was nauseous or throwing up.  No.  I feel pretty much as usual.  I have had a headache since the stress test, but not related since  the blood work was prior to the stress test.  They want me to do repeat blood work on Tuesday and have a liver ultrasound to see if that picks up anything.  The blood work will be a hepatitis panel because it breaks down into the different types of enzymes.  Of course, while I was waiting for her to call me, I went online to see what elevated liver enzymes could mean. One possibility...cancer.  That friggin breast cancer had better not be coming back.  So now I am all worked up.  I keep telling myself that there many other causes for elevated levels, but I can't stop worrying about it.  I hate cancer.  It effs you up for live.  It is always there in your mind.  Hopefully the tests on Tuesday will show nothing amiss and the levels returning to normal.  She told me that if I feel bad over the weekend to go to the ER.  Was it really that high?  She said she would send me a copy of the report but I could not find it on My Ochsner.  Crud, but maybe I don't need to see those numbers right now.  For now the surgery is on hold until they can see what is up.

So by dinner time I was able to eat again.  We went to Cracker Barrel, where I do not make any attempt at all to eat mindfully and order the usual.  Country Fried Steak with cream gravy, mashed potatoes with cream gravy, hashbrown casserole, and macaroni and cheese.  Add in 2 biscuits with butter.  I ate 3/4 of it all.  In my head I was saying "stop eating", but the louder voice said "this day was a bitch and go ahead".  This canceled out any weight loss I had seen earlier in the day I know.

Once I get home, the Hershey's Nuggets with Almonds are calling my name.  Those buggers!  I refuse to listen.  They will not stop calling.  I decide to address this by making a Syntrax Chocolate Truffle protein drink with extra chocolate SF flavoring and some PB2 to make it like a Reeses Cup.  Score.  A serving of the nuggets is 4 at 200 calories and the drink was 258.  I still consider it a better choice because could I really have stopped at 4 nuggets?  I never have.  A handfull is a serving to me and a slippery slope cause they will be there tomorrow seeking me out because I opened that door.  Nope not gonna do that.  They are going out with the Halloween candy.  Those and Reeses Cups are my Kryptonite.  The drink filled the chocolate square and Reeses square and gave me 28 grams of protein.  Nuggets 4 grams of protein.  I need to rethink the almond milk because it had way more carbs that I thought. Tomorrow I will get back on that horse and head back toward the right direction.

Carb count for today- 173 g.  Holy Moly.

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