Saturday, September 22, 2012

I Am Proud Of Myself

I am proud of myself these past couple of days.  I have been following my plan of having protein drinks for breakfast and lunch and eating dinner only.  The dietitian said to try to loose 17 pounds before my surgery.  I am trying this eating plan now as a way to (1) try the proteins to weed out ones I would not buy; (2) get used to cutting down on my food intake and get used to drinking meals prior to the 2 week liquid diet before surgery; and (3) a way to start loosing weight.  For 4 days I have been successful.  Only 4 days you say?  Hey that is better than no days and I did have to tell myself no several times.  That is what I am proud of.  I kept the end prize in sight and ignored the immediate treat.  I could have stopped at Krispy Kreme on the way home from the psychologist.  I could have stopped at Sonic on the way home from the grocery store, but I did not.  I read a post on the blog 300 Pounds Down and she talked about how you pre-decide your choices.  I woke up each morning and did just that.  Yea for me.  I would love to know if I lost anything this week.  Unfortunately, our scale does not go up that high.

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