Sunday, September 16, 2012

Soon After the Surgery

From the boards-

For your nausea, try sucking on a sugar free peppermint (I just use a sugarfree breath mint)  It has done wonders for me.  I wish I had discovered it sooner.  For me it is almost instant relief.  Also, when talking with your doctor, make sure you mention the nausea.  It could be due to acid.  Your stomach still produces the same amount of acid that it used to in it's larger size (I guess it doesn't realize 85% is missing).  If you are not taking one already, you should be on an acid reducer such as a proton pump inhibitor (Prevacid, Prilosec or Nexium) This could make a huge difference.  For your liquids, try drinking standing up (giving a straight line from your mouth, through your esophogus to your stomach) Also I had to continuously keep water with me and just sip sip sip.  If cold water bothers you, try room temp, or warming broth or decaf tea.  If room temp bothers you, keep adding ice.   I found adding flavor like crystal lite also helped me in the beginning (which is weird because normally I hate flavored water).  You may just need to keep experimenting to see what works for you.

I tried 6 Isopure flavors and hated them all. Don't over buy... sample. It is so hard to know what you will like post-op and even 3 weeks post-op my likes for certain things changed again. My favorite was the syntax nectar cappuccino and crystal sky ( kind of coconut tropical) I go 11 sample packs from and VSTalk is a code for $7.50 off a $30 order. And when 17 days post op I could no longer tolerate the chewable Celebrate vitamins I thought tasted like candy after surgery... so they exchanged them for the capsules I wanted. GREAT service! (Apparently it is common for tastes to change after surgery)

I got in the habit of making a stool softening drink every morning. I have a 32oz water bottle. Fill it 3/4 of the way with water. 1 cap of Miralax and 3 tsp of wal-mart brand no flavor fiber dissolvey stuff. It has some carbs in it. I don't count them in my daily though. Anyway, that and a squirt of Mio. Shake then add ice. You know, cause the stuff will stick to ice if you don't mix it first.

Tastes just like a sweeter Mio drink. Keeps me soft and regular.

Did a little research and found this formula to be pretty good - it did take a few days to kick in, but now i'm an "every other day" guy at least, and nothing painful.

Morning:  2 tsp of Benefiber.  The name brand stuff is difficult to find, but some places have a generic version - I think mine is from Walgreens.  Recommended by my surgeon for this purpose (and to add fiber to diet), so that's good.  I add this to my breakfast protein shake. Mainly adds "bulk"

Night: 1/2 a dose of Miralax.  Mixes easily with your crystal light, etc.  No taste that I can tell.  Softens and gets things moving.

That did it for me.

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