Monday, November 5, 2012

I Never Liked Liver

I remember as a child, Mom would occasionally make liver and onions.  I abhorred that stuff,  Total yuck.  My negative issues with liver continue.  Unfortunately it concerns my own liver.  It is uncooperative or maybe   it is not my liver, but my immune system.  My liver enzymes have come back elevated on the pre-op lab work.  Not once, but three times (and now four).  I was referred to a Hepatologist and saw his PA on Friday.  They took 9 more vials of blood and told me that I would possibly need a liver biopsy.  I just got the phone call that two of my tests came back positive for autoimmune and they suspect autoimmune hepatitis.  Oh joy.  What now?  This is a chronic condition that cannot be cured, but usually can be managed with steroids and another drug called Imuran.  My latest blood work showed that the liver enzymes are higher than the last.  I will need a liver biopsy for confirmation and then start on the drugs.  I still feel fine, so I am hoping that this has been caught early and no significant damage to my liver has occurred.  Surgery will likely be pushed back to get this all straightened out.  I am trying real hard not to go and eat the house and will try not to stress too much about this.

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