Wednesday, June 5, 2013

It's Been A Long Time

I haven't posted in a while.  All is well. is better than well.  I am now 3 months post op.  I have lost 91 pounds since September (50 since my surgery).  I have been out of town several times and have not had any trouble with my food choices.  In fact, I tried a new protein while in Houston, a bison burger, and I loved it.  I would like to find some around here.  I finally bought some new clothes since the old ones were looking pretty silly.  I wore them as long as I could, but in the end they were probably comical.  I have flown and I didn't need a seat belt extender and I could put the tray table all of the way down with room to spare.  It was  exciting to get those NSVs.  Clothes wise, I am between the girls, but closer to Cara's size.  I can wear her jeans, but I don't like them as tight as they do.  I have bought a couple of XL shirts, but it really matters on the make because one of my 3Xs fits the same as another's XL.  I like to try on clothes now just to see if it fits.  Weird.  I have started exercising in our neighborhood pool and love that.  I walk back and forth as well as do other exercises.  I think some of the neighbors think I am crazy, but I am not sweating that that was my deterrent in the past.  At my 3 month checkup, my surgeon and dietitian were pleased with my progress.  You can tell I am too.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

One Month Check Up and Easter Candy

This week I had my one month check up (I was a day from 5 weeks post op).  The doctor and dietitian were both happy with my progress.  I have no pain.   My incisions are looking good and I still have little hunger.  This week I was craving Mandarin Chicken.  I remember the days of when I didn't like Chinese food.  What I dummy I was.  We went out to get some on Friday.  It was so good.  I had a hard time restraining myself, but I did so.  The more I take home, the more I have for later!

Today is Easter.  I bought the girls a little candy and Robyn and I made our favorite mashed potatoes.  Again, I was good and weighed out my food.  I did go a half oz over my usual 3 oz., but it was good and I was content.  We had a lot of left overs, but I had my taters at lunch and will wait until the next holiday to have some more.  I am OK with that.  I got the girls some Reese's Eggs and I was hoping it would not cause a problem for me.  They didn't in the least bit.  I still am not feeling hunger so to speak.  I have cravings every once in a while, but that is about it.  I am able to say no prettily easily.  I hope this continues for a long, long time.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Who Is This Person And What Did She Do With My Appetite?

I am just not hungry.  Food holds no appeal for me.  I look at most food and say "Meh."  I eat because I have to not because I want to.  I was telling Phillip tonight that if I had my way I would just drink water all day.  Cold water is wonderful.  I have always loved it and still do.  I am wondering if my food indifference has to do with the fact that I am still in purees.  Most of the stuff I eat looks like cat food.  That is what Robyn told me today when I was blending up my turkey and Laughing Cow Swiss   It tastes ok, but definitely not visually appealing.  The surgery takes away a lot of our feelings of hunger.  It comes back, they say, only not as strongly as before.  Some WLS patients say they never lost their feelings of hunger.  I definitely have and it is strange that this is me.  On Friday, I get to move up to soft foods (food you can cut with a fork) and this will open up a wider range of foods.  I am curious how that will affect how much I eat.  I still have not felt nauseated since leaving the hospital nor have I thrown up.  Many on my February FB group have and I suspect that one reason is that I have a larger stomach.  My Dr. used a 42 bougie and many of them have a 32-36.  For now, I am ok with having a larger stomach.  I hope I continue to feel that way down the road.

My energy has slowly come back since the hospital stay.  I still get winded, but it is less and less so.  Today, I went to the grocery store for the first time and picked up a couple of things.  I was not speedy, but I got it done.  I am happy to get back to my normal duties.  I don't like having my family and friends pick up my slack.  I know they do it out of love and I love them even more for it.  But...I still don't like it.

Monday, March 11, 2013

How Am I Doing

I am so much better than I was when I came home from the hospital.  I did have a couple of freak outs that I would have to go back because it came on without any warning and the blood techs were showing up in my nightmares.  I am back to getting most of my liquids and all of my protein.  I have not been so good at the vitamins though.  I ordered some different calcium to try.  The Citrical was like taking a ton of chalk.  I am sure it is not so bad if it didn't have to be crushed.  No excuse for not taking my multi- vit.  That one tastes good and goes down easily.  I need to stop with the dumb moves.  This does not benefit me one little bit.

I am enjoying the group of February WLS people on Facebook.  We have had different surgeries and are at different points in our food progression, but we are supportive of each other.  I am grateful for a group like that.  Thanks guys!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Back to the Hospital

I came home today from a lovely 5 day stay in the hospital. Not fun at all. On Thursday, I started to get lightheaded whenever I stood up. We thought it was low blood pressure. I went to my appointment at the Coumadin Clinic and my INR was 3.8. Too thin. I was to stop the Lovenox shots and hold the Coumadin for that night. Cindy drove me to the appointment and I was in a wheelchair the whole time.  I didn't feel quite right, but I was not really feeling lightheaded.  At 3:30, I went to the bathroom, passed out and fell into the tub. Wow. I continued to pass each time I got up scaring Phillip into thinking I was dead the first time he saw it happen. Thankfully he was right there each time it happened.  He took me to the ER on Friday afternoon.  They admitted me and transferred me to Ochsner. It was determined after a CT scan that I had blood leaking into my belly. Once I received 2 units of blood and 2 of fresh frozen plasma, I started to feel much better and the passing out was gone. All of the blood work I had was a nightmare!!!!! My left arm started to retain fluid and they had trouble finding veins. Some of the blood techs were horrendous and stuck me multiple times. One lady stuck me three times, got nothing, and stormed out like it was something I was trying to do. I hope karma takes a huge chomp out of her fat butt.  My blood clotted twice before it reached the lab, so they had to come back. The doctors ordered more labs within and hour or two of previous labs. I had a breakdown this morning and started crying. I was so miserable and ready to tell them no more labs. I told the doctors about how miserable I was and a little after noon they sent in the orders to release me. I had been on Lovenox for a day and was to start adding in the Coumadin. Sweet relief! Robyn picked me up on the way home from school. Like Dorothy said, "There is no place like home."

Monday, February 25, 2013

On the Other Side

It is done and it wasn't that bad.  I really expected to have more pain considering what was done.  I stopped using the pain pump in the hospital and have not taken any meds for pain at home.  I have not had gas pains either.  I do pass a lot of gas and burp like a fiend, but I'll take that over pain any day.  I was released from the hospital on Saturday and spent the day and Sunday sleeping.  I am very fatigued.  Today I had more energy and had a wonderful visit from two of my angels, Angie and Cindy.  They came to check on me and to bring some beautiful flowers.  I am blessed to have them as friends.  They seemed to think I looked ok considering my surgery, so we were all in agreement.  I was able to get in more fluids today.  I had been taking it slow because I had problems with nausea in the hospital when I started to drink.  Not fun.  It was taking forever to finish 8 oz  of water taking the tiny kitten drinks I was taking.  Today I started taking a little bit bigger sips and it made the difference.  It also helped that I did not sleep as much today, so I was awake to sip, sip, sip.  I will probably finish the day with about 56 oz of water.  I started my protein today mixed with the water.  I got in 75 grams.  Tomorrow's plan is to continue to increase my fluids and keep up the protein.  I got in all of my vitamins, calcium  and B-12.  The only true negative at this point is crushing my medications.  Most are downright nasty.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Filter Placement

Today was the IVC filter placement.  Poor Cindy drove me across the lake and got me there for 5:30.  It went well and so far no problems.  I was given an anesthesia that relaxed me but I was aware of what was happening.  Afterward I had to lie flat for 2 hours.  Those hours slowly passed.  All of the nurses were great.  I look forward to what is next.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Pre Op Appointment

Today I saw my surgeon for me pre-op appointment.  I liked Dr. Richardson and feel he will do a great job. He quickly answered all of my questions and put Phillip and me at ease.  I received my discharge instructions and they all seem pretty straightforward.  I saw the dietitian next.  She went over what I need to do prior to surgery and from post-op up until my follow up appointment.  I have at admit I was kinda bummed that no one commented that I had lost 39 pounds from my initial appointment.  They said I needed to loose 17 pounds prior to surgery and I exceeded that.  Oh well, that is 39 pounds kicked to the curb.  Next up is my IVC filter placement and then the main event.  I am so ready for this!

Monday, February 18, 2013


Tomorrow I meet the surgeon for my pre-op appointment.  I have my questions ready and I am eager for Friday to get here.  Right now I am mostly calm about it, but occasionally I have a bit of nerves.

I tried the Jay Robb chocolate protein today with water and with coconut milk.  It was good in water and with the milk.  I think it comes in second to the Syntrax though.  It is sweeter than the Syntrax and I think for now at least I prefer that.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Product Review- Jay Robb Whey Protein- Chocolate

A couple of days ago I saw that GNC was running some sales.  I decided to take a look around and noticed they had the Jay Robb Whey Protein on sale.  I had heard good things about the protein (few additives and sweetened with stevia).  I decided to give it a play and see if it can beat the Syntrax I have been drinking.  I mixed it up with water because that is how I have reviewed all of the other protein powders.  I so prefer the mix with almond or coconut milk.  It was good.  I can't say if it was better than the Syntrax because I mix that with milk, but I will try it again tomorrow with the milk and get a better comparison between the two.  It was good with plain water and that will come in handy when I am first home from surgery.  I am keeping my fingers crossed that my tastes do not change.  I bought some vanilla as well.  I will be trying that soon.

Score- A

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Is It February Already?

Time has been flying!  It seems like it was just New Years Day.  I am finally back in the home stretch again.  I have a surgery date and all of the associated appointments set up.  I would like to say that I was able to get back in the zone like I was prior to my first surgery no go, but I have not been.  I have been letting my emotions steer my food choices.  I am still down below what the dietitian wanted me to lose prior to surgery, but that is still 9 pound more than I had been when I was revved about my surgery.  I am still excited about the surgery and I know it will allow me to get to a place that I yearn for.  Now to get my head back in the game.  I have continued to read the boards on OH and still have kept up with bookmarking posts and recipes.  I still have a bit before I start the liquid diet.  Last time I had been eating low carb and didn't have much trouble with the 4 days of the liquid diet I completed before having to cancel the surgery.  I hope it will be the same this time.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Gettin Back On The Horse

When I canceled my surgery last month, I canceled a lot of things. One being my vigilance. I was doing really well with my eating and then I just let it all go because I was not having the surgery when planned. It was a conscious decision. One that I am not proud of. Looking back it was a form of temper tantrum over things that did not go as planned. I need to grow up. Anyway, I am back to my plan as of today. I really want to be successful and to do that I cannot allow life alterations interfere with my goal. I was reading the OH message board today and there was a re-post that really said it all to me. I have it saved under "online bookmarks". It talks about being militant to be successful. I plan to have more of that. I have my appointment with my endocrinologist coming up later this week. I am keeping my fingers crossed that my thyroid levels will be acceptable and we can schedule this thing.

Oh...the IVC filter...I have to have one, but now I understand why and it makes sense to me now.