Monday, February 25, 2013

On the Other Side

It is done and it wasn't that bad.  I really expected to have more pain considering what was done.  I stopped using the pain pump in the hospital and have not taken any meds for pain at home.  I have not had gas pains either.  I do pass a lot of gas and burp like a fiend, but I'll take that over pain any day.  I was released from the hospital on Saturday and spent the day and Sunday sleeping.  I am very fatigued.  Today I had more energy and had a wonderful visit from two of my angels, Angie and Cindy.  They came to check on me and to bring some beautiful flowers.  I am blessed to have them as friends.  They seemed to think I looked ok considering my surgery, so we were all in agreement.  I was able to get in more fluids today.  I had been taking it slow because I had problems with nausea in the hospital when I started to drink.  Not fun.  It was taking forever to finish 8 oz  of water taking the tiny kitten drinks I was taking.  Today I started taking a little bit bigger sips and it made the difference.  It also helped that I did not sleep as much today, so I was awake to sip, sip, sip.  I will probably finish the day with about 56 oz of water.  I started my protein today mixed with the water.  I got in 75 grams.  Tomorrow's plan is to continue to increase my fluids and keep up the protein.  I got in all of my vitamins, calcium  and B-12.  The only true negative at this point is crushing my medications.  Most are downright nasty.

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