Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Back to the Hospital

I came home today from a lovely 5 day stay in the hospital. Not fun at all. On Thursday, I started to get lightheaded whenever I stood up. We thought it was low blood pressure. I went to my appointment at the Coumadin Clinic and my INR was 3.8. Too thin. I was to stop the Lovenox shots and hold the Coumadin for that night. Cindy drove me to the appointment and I was in a wheelchair the whole time.  I didn't feel quite right, but I was not really feeling lightheaded.  At 3:30, I went to the bathroom, passed out and fell into the tub. Wow. I continued to pass each time I got up scaring Phillip into thinking I was dead the first time he saw it happen. Thankfully he was right there each time it happened.  He took me to the ER on Friday afternoon.  They admitted me and transferred me to Ochsner. It was determined after a CT scan that I had blood leaking into my belly. Once I received 2 units of blood and 2 of fresh frozen plasma, I started to feel much better and the passing out was gone. All of the blood work I had was a nightmare!!!!! My left arm started to retain fluid and they had trouble finding veins. Some of the blood techs were horrendous and stuck me multiple times. One lady stuck me three times, got nothing, and stormed out like it was something I was trying to do. I hope karma takes a huge chomp out of her fat butt.  My blood clotted twice before it reached the lab, so they had to come back. The doctors ordered more labs within and hour or two of previous labs. I had a breakdown this morning and started crying. I was so miserable and ready to tell them no more labs. I told the doctors about how miserable I was and a little after noon they sent in the orders to release me. I had been on Lovenox for a day and was to start adding in the Coumadin. Sweet relief! Robyn picked me up on the way home from school. Like Dorothy said, "There is no place like home."

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