Monday, January 7, 2013

Gettin Back On The Horse

When I canceled my surgery last month, I canceled a lot of things. One being my vigilance. I was doing really well with my eating and then I just let it all go because I was not having the surgery when planned. It was a conscious decision. One that I am not proud of. Looking back it was a form of temper tantrum over things that did not go as planned. I need to grow up. Anyway, I am back to my plan as of today. I really want to be successful and to do that I cannot allow life alterations interfere with my goal. I was reading the OH message board today and there was a re-post that really said it all to me. I have it saved under "online bookmarks". It talks about being militant to be successful. I plan to have more of that. I have my appointment with my endocrinologist coming up later this week. I am keeping my fingers crossed that my thyroid levels will be acceptable and we can schedule this thing.

Oh...the IVC filter...I have to have one, but now I understand why and it makes sense to me now.

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