Saturday, October 20, 2012

Produce Review- Great Value Drink Enhancer (Grape)

I have been reading on the boards about people putting Mio and other flavor enhancers in their water to change it up a bit.  I thought to give it a try.  I found out that Mio was sold at WalMart and headed over there to see what the deal was.  I saw that WalMart made a similar produce so I bought 2 of those and one of the Mio.  Today I tried the WalMart brand in grape.  It was ok.  Not good not bad.  It is basically flavors the water so that is faintly sweet and grape.  There is a bit of sucralose.  I like regular water just fine and I like some flavors of Crystal Light.  This would be something for the middle.  Not plain, not sweet/tangy/sour.  I guess it does what it is supposed to do and if you didn't like the taste of plain water, I might help you drink more.  I like plain water, so I will probably use this up and move on.  The other two flavors have caffeine in them.  No I didn't read the ingredients and since both are labeled as "energy", I guess we know where the energy comes from.   I will give those a try earlier in the day sometime soon.

Judgement- ok for what it is...

P.S.  I was back on track today with my eating :)

Friday, October 19, 2012

An Interesting Day and Welcome to Carb Central

Today was a humdinger as my Dad used to say.  It started off with an EKG at 7:45 and followed with blood work, a bone density scan, chest xray, and a stress test with ultrasound (stress induced by medicine in an IV not on a treadmill).  The medicine they gave in the IV had a side effect of causing a dry mouth.  Boy was that true.  I thought I "deserved" Cane's for all of that testing (I need to work on this line of thinking), so I swung by and got the Box Combo (no cole slaw, extra fries).  A carb dream.  I choked down the toast first as I usually do.  It was hard to swallow because my mouth was so dry.  I had to drink to swallow   Same with the fries that came next.  Did that stop me.  Oh no.  Then one chicken strip.  I had to stop.  It was gagging me not to be able to swallow.  It was weird and sad at the same time.  I was not enjoying it, but I still eat all that I did.  I kept the 3 remaining strips for Cara and was done.  On a positive note I lost a couple more pounds and am at 21 down.

I sent an email to the PA to see if we could schedule my surgery.  She emailed back that my liver enzymes came back very high even compared to previous lab work   Crap.  She had a call in to my PCP (her brother) to see what he thought.  She called me after talking to him and they think it could be viral.  She asked if I had been sick.  No, but Cara and Phillip had colds this week and I did all that I could to dodge that.  She asked me if I had eaten any raw seafood.  Me?  Nope.  Never.  My white blood cell count was slightly elevated too which led them to think it was viral.  She asked if I was nauseous or throwing up.  No.  I feel pretty much as usual.  I have had a headache since the stress test, but not related since  the blood work was prior to the stress test.  They want me to do repeat blood work on Tuesday and have a liver ultrasound to see if that picks up anything.  The blood work will be a hepatitis panel because it breaks down into the different types of enzymes.  Of course, while I was waiting for her to call me, I went online to see what elevated liver enzymes could mean. One possibility...cancer.  That friggin breast cancer had better not be coming back.  So now I am all worked up.  I keep telling myself that there many other causes for elevated levels, but I can't stop worrying about it.  I hate cancer.  It effs you up for live.  It is always there in your mind.  Hopefully the tests on Tuesday will show nothing amiss and the levels returning to normal.  She told me that if I feel bad over the weekend to go to the ER.  Was it really that high?  She said she would send me a copy of the report but I could not find it on My Ochsner.  Crud, but maybe I don't need to see those numbers right now.  For now the surgery is on hold until they can see what is up.

So by dinner time I was able to eat again.  We went to Cracker Barrel, where I do not make any attempt at all to eat mindfully and order the usual.  Country Fried Steak with cream gravy, mashed potatoes with cream gravy, hashbrown casserole, and macaroni and cheese.  Add in 2 biscuits with butter.  I ate 3/4 of it all.  In my head I was saying "stop eating", but the louder voice said "this day was a bitch and go ahead".  This canceled out any weight loss I had seen earlier in the day I know.

Once I get home, the Hershey's Nuggets with Almonds are calling my name.  Those buggers!  I refuse to listen.  They will not stop calling.  I decide to address this by making a Syntrax Chocolate Truffle protein drink with extra chocolate SF flavoring and some PB2 to make it like a Reeses Cup.  Score.  A serving of the nuggets is 4 at 200 calories and the drink was 258.  I still consider it a better choice because could I really have stopped at 4 nuggets?  I never have.  A handfull is a serving to me and a slippery slope cause they will be there tomorrow seeking me out because I opened that door.  Nope not gonna do that.  They are going out with the Halloween candy.  Those and Reeses Cups are my Kryptonite.  The drink filled the chocolate square and Reeses square and gave me 28 grams of protein.  Nuggets 4 grams of protein.  I need to rethink the almond milk because it had way more carbs that I thought. Tomorrow I will get back on that horse and head back toward the right direction.

Carb count for today- 173 g.  Holy Moly.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Product Review- ProtiZyme Protein (Strawberry Creme)

This is yummy.  I put it in about 16 oz. of vanilla almond milk.  Perfect.  No nothing needs to be added to get the full strawberry yumminess.  I have liked the ProtiZyme proteins.  This is a winner too.

Judgement- A

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Product Review- Rosina Italian Style Turkey Meatballs

I loved these.  I had the meatballs with a tiny bit of sauce (what sticks to the meatball) and an ounce of shredded part skim mozzarella.  It was yum and I was satisfied.  These are going into the rotation.  I found these at WalMart.  Winn-Dixie near me doesn't carry it.

Decision- A

Weight Loss- 18 Pounds

I saw Dr. Palo for steroid shots for my knees.  I have not weighed myself on a doctor's scale until today.  I started trying to loose the 17 pounds the dietitian wanted me to lose.  It is almost 5 weeks and I have lost 18 pounds.  I have not stuck to plan for several of those days (Hello birthday), but when I did eat more than the 800 calorie daily allotment I have set (based on what I will be eating post op), I did make the choice not to eat all of my meal and save some for another meal (except birthday cake and I only had 1 piece).  I think that is a victory for me.  Better choices and I am head of schedule for pre-op loss.  I am able to weigh on my home scale now and the scale was off a pound or 2.  I need to find out by how much or is it the difference between barefoot and shoes on.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Product Review- Oikos Greek Yogurt (Plain)

I have been reading on the boards about Greek yogurt having lots of protein and it being a good choice for that reason.  I was not a yogurt lover before and I guess I might still be.  It was so sour.  I tried the trick of adding cocoa powder to it plus some SF flavoring.  That made it tolerable, but I could taste the sour the whole time.  I read that some yogurts taste differently and I will continue to give them a try.  I have not given up yet.  I also bought some SF pudding mixes to add in.  I hear those might help.

Conclusion- C

Product Review- Torani Sugar Free Flavorings (Almond Roca)

I tried this new flavor today when I was trying the Syntrax Vanilla Bean Torte.  After a couple of sips of the protein, I knew I liked it a lot, so adding the flavoring was kicking it up a notch. It was subtle.  I put in 2 cap fulls, but I think I will try more next time.  It is good, but stronger might make it awesome.

Verdict- A

Product Review- Syntrax Protein Sweets (Vanilla Beat Torte)

Yum.  That's it.  I mixed it with water and it was still good.  I ordered that and the Chocolate  Truffle from Amazon as my go to powders.  I do like the Cellucor and may add that into the mix although they are the same flavors.  GNC I can get locally.  I think I can get the Syntrax at Vitamin World if I go to Slidell.  Ordering from Amazon, I amass points on the old VISA to use for later.  Whoop

Grade- A+

Monday, October 15, 2012

Product Review- Unjury Protein (Chicken Soup)

Really disappointed that I didn't like it more.  I have not loved any of the Unjury products.  Many do, but not me.  It started off ok and then as I drank more I didn't really like it.  There are other choices that I do like.

Score- C

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Recipe Review- Low Carb Deep Dish Pan Pizza

I have been researching low carb recipes.  The gurus on the boards say to limit the carbs.  This looks like it could be a good alternative to traditional pizza.  This was so good!  You can taste the chicken but you would not think it to be in the crust.  The crust looks like a regular bread crust.  If you used chicken as a topping you would not know it was in the crust too.  I was short on mozzarella cheese and used about a 1/2 cup less than the recipe called for and I didn't have any to put on the top.  That would have made it even better.  I will be making this again and look forward to finishing it up tomorrow.


Low Carb Deep Dish Pizza

Monday, October 8, 2012

Product Review- Syntrax Matrix (Cookies and Cream)

This was good.  Not really cookie tasting, but it has little bits of cookie (I guess that is what it is) floating in the mix.  I mixed it with 1% milk.  It is more of a vanilla taste.  No chocolate (the cookie is chocolate).  The cookie bits do sink to the bottom, so you need to mix it up before each drink.

Jundgment- A

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Product Review- Syntrax Nectar Protien (Fuzzy Navel)

Yuck.   Didn't like it.  Tasted more grapefruity than orangy.  No.

Decree- F-

Product Review- Torani Raspberry Sugar Free Flavoring

I added this to a packet of vanilla protein.  It was wonderful.  I love the taste.  Just like raspberries!

Ruling- A+

Friday, October 5, 2012

Product Review- Syntrax Nectar Protein (Strawberry Kiwi)

This was a good flavor.  I like this flavor normally, so it was nice to see it in a protein.  I would drink this again.

Opinion- A

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Product Review- EAS Advantage Carb Control (Chocolate Fudge)

Today I ran out to do some errands and because I didn't take my Synthoid until I left, I didn't drink my shake before I left.  One of my stops was to Angie's house.  I mentioned to her that I had not had my protein shake this morning and she gave me one she drinks, EAS Advantage Carb Control chocolate drink.  I have it a go and it was good.  It is comes in a box, so it is a great way to take it on the road with you or to store in your purse for later if needed.  I have not tried any of the ready to drink protein yet.  This was a good first experience.

Judgement- A

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Recipe Review- Mock Garlic Mashed Potatoes

I was so hoping something could come close to my beloved mashed potatoes.  This wasn't it.  It wasn't bad, but not worth the trouble and calories to me.   Phillip liked it and will finish it off tomorrow.  I guess I will just wait until a special occasion and have the real thing.

Mock Garlic Mashed Potatoes

Determination- Meh

Recipe Review- Elina's Southwestern Red Chicken Soup

Elina is an active member of the Obesity Help VSG message boards.  She is always there to add a helpful take on struggles one may have on the journey.  She has posted some recipes to her blog on OH.  The one that gets the most love is her Green Chicken Soup.  I thought I would try a variation, the Southwestern Red Chicken Soup.  I followed the recipe only using Tony Chachere's instead of the cumin and chili powder.  This was excellent!  I blended the soup as the recipe calls.  It is not as appetizing after blending as much as before, but honestly I know I would have eaten around the black beans and tomatoes.  I love this soup.  We will have it again tomorrow night and I have another large container in the freezer, as well as a smaller one for dinner on Friday at Angie's.

Southwestern Red Chicken Soup  The link is for the page the recipe is on now.  If she adds more recipes the page the recipe is on may change.

Decision- A+

Product Review- Torani Sugar Free Flavorings (Caramel and Hazelnut)

I hear tons on the message boards about the Torani and Da Vinci flavorings.  They are used to flavor tons of stuff and people rave about them.  I picked up 4 flavors at WalMart and have given two a try.  Both times was in Isopure Chocolate protein.  The first was caramel.  It was meh.  Just ok.  I don't know if I really like caramel other then when it is in a candy bar.  The hazelnut was much better.  I liked it a lot and it made the Isopure better.  I will enjoy using this flavoring when I want a change from just chocolate.

Score- Caramel  B-
          Hazelnut A

Product Review- Unjury Protein (Unflavored)

The last couple of days I have been finishing up the Isopure I bought.  I tried a couple of Torani flavorings in it and will review those next.  I have been thinking it would be good to also have a unflavored protein to add to things like Crystal Light or soups to up the protein amounts.  I gave my sample of Unjury a try today in my Margarita Crystal Light.  Can I just say YUCK!  That was some nasty.  I don't know if it was the combinations of the two flavors, because I understand there is still a slight taste to the unflavored or what happened.  It is good I have two samples two try so the next time I will try it in something else.  Wow. Still thinking about how nasty that was...

Verdict- Still out.