I have created this blog for me to document my journey toward health. I have been miserable for so long. My weight is keeping me from enjoying time with my family and friends. I don't enjoy travel or being away from home at all. I have slept in a recliner for over 10 years, I think. It has been a long, long time. I am not used to sleeping in a bed and wake up frequently. When I do either my knees are killing me or my scar tissue from my mastectomy makes it uncomfortable to sleep in certain positions. I have decided to see if I would be a candidate for weight loss surgery. I know it is a pretty drastic step, but it is one I think I need to take. It would be an excellent tool to help me with this journey. Surgery alone will not get me to where I want to be, but it will force me to make better choices initially until I can habitually do so.
I am tired of watching life pass me by. I want to do all of the things I think I can do in my head. My weight and physical limitations stop me from doing what I want. I want to take my life back.